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Ask the Inventors Tele: http://asktheinventors.com/ International Federation of Inventors' Association Tele: http://www.invention-ifia.ch/ Rent an Inventor and Margolin Development Tele: http://www.rent-an-inventor.com/ SBA-Starting Your Business-Patents, Trademarks Tele: http://www.sba.gov/starting/indextrademarks.html Stereolithography (SLA), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Fused Deposition modeling (FDM) are methods for making presentation quality prototypes very quickly, accurately and relatively inexpensively. This process allows new product developers to make one or two presentation models of a new product before going to the expense of building plastic injection molds, forming dies or castings. This way you can test the market before committing to hard tooling.. It also allows you to put "works like/looks like" models in the hands of focus groups for final pre-production evaluations. We highly recommend this process before building the actual injection molds. Here are some helpful links to information resources and companies providing these services around the country. Great Stereolithography Parts in hand in 2 days! Instant On-line quotes Tele: http://www.dpt-fast.com/ Stereolithography Plus Instant Quotes for SLA, SLS, FDM Water Clear, new ABS-like SLA Tele: http://www.quickparts.com/ Why settle for SLA? Injection molded parts in 5 days! Real Parts. Real Fast. Real Savings Tele: http://www.protomold.com Online Stereolithography Online quotes in seconds from many Sterolithography services Tele: http://www.xpress3d.com Instant SLA/SLS Quotes Need SLA and SLS prices right away? Direct quotes from native CAD data Tele: http://www.solidconcepts.com Stereolithography Huge Variety of Prototyping & Other Services. Search ThomasRegister.com Tele: http://ThomasRegister.com What is Stereolithography Learn about the stereolithography process and related terms. Tele: http://what-is-injection-molding.com Rhino 3D - $585 Rhino, Flamingo and Penguin are available in stock. Free Shipping! Tele: http://www.novedge.com FDM - Stereolithography FDM rapid prototypes & model making Stereolithography file: Quick quote Tele: http://www.fdm-modeling.com Stereolithography.com Information regarding stereolithography and solid modeling Tele: http://www.stereolithography.com/ How Stuff Works: Stereolithography Stereolithography also known as 3D printing - - is an amazing technology that allows you to build 3D plastic prototypes almost as easily as you... Tele: http://www.howstuffworks.com/stereolith.htm 3D Systems Corporation 3D Systems, Inc. Designs, develops, manufactures, markets and services stereolithography apparatus systems designed to rapidly produce three dimensional objects from Tele: http://www.3dsystems.com Rapid Prototyping using Stereolithography (SLA), Selective Laser Prototyping company that offers stereolithography and selective laser sintering services. Instant online quotes are available Tele: http://www.dpt-fast.com Rapid Prototyping, Tooling, Stereolithography - Vista Technologies Sheet metal forming prototypes, stereolithography, and short run injection molding. Tele: http://www.vistatek.com 3D-CAM: Stereolithography, Rapid Prototyping & Tooling RP&T, SLA, Selective Laser Sintering (SLS). From single prototypes to mass-production of plastic/metal parts. RTV/ZAP/Aluminum Eoxy/CNC Tooling Tele: http://www.3d-cam.com Quickparts.com: Sterolithography (sla) Stereolithography (sla) Instant online quotes for purchasing stereolithography (SLA) rapid prototypes and low-volume custom manufactured parts. Tele: http://www.quickparts.com Rapid Prototyping Network ...and scanning routines used in our stereolithography systems into the LS Stereollithography users group calls for participation... Tele: http://www.rapidprototyping.net Rapid Prototyping using Stereolithography (SLA), Selective Laser Design Prototyping Technologies (DPT) provides state-of-the-art stereolithography (SLA), selective laser sintering (SLS), Urethane Castings Tele: http://www.dptquotes3.com Applied Rapid Technologies Produces stereolithography masters, vacuum cast molds, and urethane castings. Tele: http://www.artcorp.com Rapid Prototyping FDM and Stereolithography 847-639-1000 C.ideas FDM Rapid Prototyping Service Bureau Utilizing Stratasys ABS and Polycarbonate Stereolithography Equipment Tele: http://www.prototype3d.com Laser Reproductions - Stereolithography (SLA) Rapid Prototypes, Tele: http://www.laserrepro.com Prototypes, rapid prototyping & tooling, stereolithography, & Rapid manufacturing service provider supplying stereolithography prototypes, RTV molding and urethane castings, investment casting patterns and rapid... Tele: http://www.protocam.com Tele: www.medicalmodeling.com Sterolithography - Rapid Prototyping - Manitowoc Prototype, Inc. Stereolithography prototypes and cast parts in urethane, aluminum, and zinc. Tele: http://www.mpipro.com stereolithography, prototyping, plastics prototyping, provides prototyping, stereolithography, SLA, clear prototype, RTV, industrial design, clear and art casting for a wide range of industries. Tele: http://wwwspectrum3d.com Forecast 3D Rapid prototype service bureau using Stereolithography, Selective Laser Sintering, CNC Machining, PAD Printing, RTV Tooling, and metal, expoxy Tele: http://www.forecast-3d.com FineLine Prototyping::: High Resolution Stereolithography Experts Stereolithography service bureau making precision plastic parts for medical and electronics industries. Tele: http://www.finelineprototyping.com InterPRO - Online Quotes for StereoLithography, Rapid Prototypes InterPRO provides rapid prototyping with StereoLithography SLA, Selective Laser Sintering SLS, Fused Deposition Modeling FDM, Objet, models, design Tele: http://interpro-rtc.com MAS: Stereolithography Milling Sintering-Laser Sintering-Pressure Stereolithography Thermoform ...Hello: Stereolithography (SLA) MAS 2.0 - Guides - F.A.Q. Tele: http://cybercut.berkeley.edu/mas2/html/processes/stereolith/more.html Stereolithography, SLA, Rapid Prototyping - Stereolithography Vista Technologies does rapid prototyping, tooling, rapid retooling, and physical model making through stereolithography or SLA. Tele: http://www.vistatek.com/stereo.html Midwest Prototyping, LLC 608.437.1400 One of just a handful of stereolithography service bureaus in the Midwest, we take pride in providing our customers not just with prototypes... Tele: http://midwestprototyping.com Clinkenbeard & Associates Clinkenbeard Prototype Castings & Foundry Rapid prototyping tooling. Prototype casting, aluminum castings, iron castings, CNC machining, Rapid Prototyping, show quality painted prototypes Tele: http://www.clinkenbeard.com DSM Somos Elastomers to polyethylene and polypropylene, DSM Somos has ProtoFunctional solutions for stereolithography and selective laser sinter... Tele: http://www.dsmsomos.com Solid Imaging Splash Intro page Solid Imaging Laser Innovations... Tele: http://www.solidimaging.com Hunter Hawk, Inc. Design, Prototyping and Stereolithography: Industrial Applications Precision Machined Components and Standard and Special Alloy Castings... Tele: http://www.hunterhawk.com Welcome to Laser Prototypes New Jersey NJ Stereolithography Laser Prototypes Inc. (LPI) provides stereolithography (SLA), selective laser sintering (SLS), Urethane Castings, Prototype Injection Molding, and... Tele: http://laserprototype.com SeaCast, Inc. Precision Investment Casting Steel, Aluminum, R&D, our continued commitment to new technologies pushing the casting envelope. Rapid Prototyping by Stereolithography Tele: http://seacast.com/SeaCastPages/seacast_home.htm 2N2 Product Development: Plastic Part Design and Development Rapid Prototyping. Project Management. Rapid Prototyping...Stereolithography Click for more info 3D Keltool Click for more info Tele: http://2n2pd.com/services_prototyping.htm Stereolithography and Prosthetic Test Socket Manufacture: A The authors compare stereolithography and Prosthetic test socket manufacture and perform a cost analysis. Tele: http://oandp.org/jpo/library/1998_01_017.asp How Does Selective Laser Sintering SLA Work? Stereolithography is the most widely used type of rapid prototyping. Stereolithography produces 3D parts by curing successive layers of UV-curable... Tele: http://www.rapidsolutions.com/pages/stereolithographybottom2.htm Mr. Gonzalez 1990 - 3D Systems, Inc. - Stereolithography Course...1991 - Prime Computer, Inc. - StressLab Tele: http://www.bergen.org/AAST/teachers/gonzales.html Stereolithography Tele: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rapidproto/students.98/master/project2/main.html SLA-Stereolithography-Rapid Prototyping Rapid Prototyping: Stereolithography is a process which converts 3-dimensional CAD files into something you can hold in your hands. Tele: http://www.vision-engineering.com/sla/sla.html Stereolithography Simply put, the stereolthography machine allows the user to make a 3D ...Selected Examples of stereolithography from AAST: Tele: http://www.bergen.org/Present/TechnologyHighSchool/Current/SLA.html Manitowoc Prototype - Rapid Prototyping and Stereolithography Stereolithography. Stereolithography machines convert three-dimensional CAD data of physical objects into vertical stacks of slices. Tele: http://www.mpipro.com/services.htm Rapid Sheet Metal Inc. Specializes in quick quotations and supply of sheet metal parts based on 3D CAD data provided by customer. Focus is on prototypes, preproduction, Tele: http://www.rapidsheetmetal.com Joel Wittkamp Design Home Page Molds: Prototype, Molds: Prototype Plastic Injection, Molds (Rapid Prototyping), Molds: Stereolithography, Painting Services, Plastics... Tele: http://www.thomasregister.com/olc/73508020 Stereolithography (SLA) Stereolithography (SLA) stereolithography is a free form fabrication technology developed by 3D Systems. Tele: http://www.padtinc.com/rm/sla/default.htm STL Import for AutoCAD - STL file import plug-in for AutoCAD 2004. STL Import for AutoCAD gives AutoCAD the ability to import geometric data from ASCII as well as binary Stereolithography (STL) files. Tele: http://www.fpsols.com/stl_import_ac.html Lightwave Electronics Manufactures Diode-Pumped Solid State Lasers Lightwave Electronics manufactures diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) lasers. (Using multiple harmonic generation techniques). Lightwave produces IR, Tele: http://www.lightwaveelectronics.com/solutions/index.htm ARRK Product Development Group ARRK Product Development Group will take your new product from design to creation. As the most experienced professionals in the industry, ARRK, Web: http://www.arrk.com Liquid Crystal Photo polymers for Stereolithography (SLA) These can be photpolymerized to produce functional parts in the stereollithography process. Tele: http://www.udri.udayton.edu/rpdl/crystal.htm Metalcast Engineering We handle plastic injection molding, stereolithography & CNC models, and yes, metal casting prototypes in production materials -All with... Tele: http://www.metalcast.com Rapid Prototypes-Malcolm Nicholls Limited-stereolithography Malcolm Nicholls Limited is one of Europe's largest industrial prototyping companies, providing services such as rapid prototypes. Stereolithography Web: http://www.mnl.co.uk Kaiser Electronics - San Jose, CA:Stereolithography Information: stereolithography ...Kaiser Electronics uses stereolithography (SLA) for many purposes including design validation, manufacturing cost... Tele: http://www.bmpcoe.org/bestpractices/external/kaise/kaise_9.html Rapid prototyping with stereolithography The process that builds parts with a laser beam. Tele: http://www.omnica.com/omniview_prototyping2.htm Rapid Prototyping Publications, RP, Rapid Manufacturing Response Manufacturing - Contemporary methodologies, tools and technologies Jian Dong (Editor)/ Published 1997 Stereolithography and Other RP... Tele: http://www.johnstark.com/pb57.html Stereolithography and Surface Treatment Letter # Stereolithography and Surface Treatment...March27,2001...a master (student yet) in surface finish using stereolithography process by.. Tele: http://www.finishing.com/81/65.html New resin improves stereolithography - 3D Systems 3D Systems Europe Limited has launched a new material, Cibatool SL7540, designed to create parts that mimic end-use plastics in stereolithography.. Tele: http://www.engineeringtalk.com/news/dsy/dsy107.html Formula One team uses stereolithography systems - 3D Systems Tele: http://www.engineeringtalk.com/news/dsy/dsy111.html PMM Investment Castings - Rapid Prototyping - Stereolithography All you need is a computer, stereolithography application (SLA) software, and our experience. Tele: http://www.pmmcastings.com/rapid.htm Stereolithography Turning Computer Models, CT and MRI Data Into Physical Models. Tele: http://www.expertpages.com/news/stereo.htm Stereolithography - SLA Prototypes - JL Plastic Injection Molding JL Molding provides stereolithography, SLA Prototypes and custom thermoplastic molds along with rapid prototyping, stereolilthography, mold making, Tele: http://www.jlmolding.com/sla.html 65.2 Stereolithography Invented by Charles Hull 1984. Now developed by 3D systems Inc. (90% of market in 1991) Units available sin... Tele: http://www.eod.gvsu.edu/eod/manufact/manufact-304.html Spectrum 3D: SLA Discussion Spectrum 3D, Inc. is a full service prototyping bureau, providing prototyping services, stereolithography, quick cast stereolithography, rapid... Tele: http://www.spectrum3d.com/stereolithography/sla-discussion.htm Aetna: Stereolithography Number: 0613 Subject: Stereolithography. Important Note...Stereolithography Application to neurosurgery. Crit. Rev Neurosurg Tele: http://www.aetna.com/cpb/data/CPBA0613.html Cadability L.L.C. - rapid prototyping modeling stereolithography Stereolithography...process. We can provide this rapid prototyping service to help our customers in the design of their product. Tele: http://www.cadability.net/rapid.htm CADD Associates Inc. - Stereolithography Rapid Prototypes Solid Modeling and Stereo Lithography... Tele: http://www.caddassociates.Com/texts/stereolith.html Stereolithography Strength & Weaknesses Tele: http://www.iug.co.uk/papers/Marlite/tsld014.htm Stereolithography Best Applications Tele: http://www.iug.co.uk/papers/Marlite/tsld015.htm SLA - Stereolithography They use the latest technology to create 3 Dimensional models in a fraction of the time it takes for traditional methods. Tele: http://www.all-plastics.com/sla.htm Rapid Prototyping -Nova Product Development Services Stereolithography (SLA) Stereolithography (SLA) uses a focused laser beam over a vat of liquid photo polymer resin. Web: http://www.novaproduct.com/stereolithography.shtml STL - Stereolithography Interface Format Tele: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/graphics/fileformats-faq/part3/section-144.html Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA) Rapid Prototyping - Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA) The Rapid Prototyping Stereolithography (SLA) process was developed by 3D Systems of... Tele: http://www.milparts.net/sla.html Tuxedo Photopolymers - Tail Made Resins for Stereolithography Tele: http://www.tuxedoresin.com/ Stereolithography and Porous Media Tele: http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/mml/people/qlou/sla.html SLA Stereolithography (SLA) The Stereolithography (SLA).process uses a vat of Ultra-Violet...The Stereolithography (SLA) process uses a vat of.. Tele: http://www.toybuilders.com/stereolithography.htm Rapid Prototypes Stereolithography: "SLA"...Technologies Clients List. Contact Us. Stereolithography: "SLA"...Stereolithography (SLA) is a solid imaging process, which produces a physical, thr... Tele: http://www.matrixenterprises.com/slaprot.htm Department of Energy, Oak Ridge Operations - Oak Ridge, Best Practice: Communicating with stereollithography Tele: http://www.bmpcoe.org/bestpractices/external/oakri/oakri_3.html CAD for a Layered Manufacturing Technology - Stereolithography (SLA) How to Build a Part Using a Layered Manufacturing...Technology-StereoLithography (SLA) CAD MODEL & STL FILE GENERATION... Tele: http://www.engr.rutgers.edu/~langrana/me488/sla-class.html Stereolithography Our stereolithography (SL) equipment translates CAD designs into solid objects through a combination of laser, photochemistry... Tele: http://www.conceptual-reality.com/stereo.htm Laser Prototypes - C.A.D. New Jersey Stereolithography Prototypes Laser Prototypes Inc. (LPI) provides stereolithography (SLA), selective laser sintering (SLA), Urethane Castings, Prototype Injection Molding, and... Tele: http://www.laserprototype.com/cad.htm MDL:MPMN: May 1997: Casebook: Stereolithography Brings Tested Products MPMN: May 1997 Stereolithography Brings Tested Products to Market in Record Time - Savings realized by fine-tuning the... Tele: http://www.devicelink.com/mpmn/97/05/casebook.html Stereolithography and prosthetic test so... Article Stereolithography and prosthetic test socket manufacture: A cost-benefit analysis. Identification winter, no.1 10 1998 Pages: 17-20 Tele: http://www.cidg.com/~marienf/k/i/n/m013705.htm [Production Processes] Stereolithography This page is dedicated to selective metal powder sintering process developed at PMA, K.U. Leuven Tele: http://www.mech.kuleuven.ac.be/pma/research/pp/facilities/dtm_en.phtml Stereolithography Stereolithography Rapid Prototyping Facility...Table of Stereolithography Rapid Prototyping Facility Specifications. Attribute. Attribute value... Tele: http://www.npt.nuwc.navy.mil/facilities/stereo.html DEL Topics "Refrigerative Stereolithography" is Commercialzed (June 29,2001) New...Stereolithography is commercialized as a product. Tele: http://www.design.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/topics/index.html Rapid Prototyping Center: Stereolithography Stereolithography. Machine SLA-5000...Manufacturer of 3D Systems. Material Liquid Photopolymer...Mechanism 216 mW Solid State Laser Tele: http://www.rpc.msoe.edu/machines_sla.php Algorithmica 19: 61-83 (1997) Feasibility of Design in Stereolithography. B. Asberg, G. Blanceo, P. Bose, J. Garcia-Lopez, M. Overmars, G. Toussaint, G. Wilfong, B. Zhu... Tele: http://www.link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00453/bibs/19n1p61.htm ProtoCam: Videos of Stereolithography and RTV Molding Videos of Stereolithography and RTV Molding **This computer-generated animation demonstrates the actions of the SLA machine. Tele: http://www.protocam.com/video.htm Howstuffworks "How Stereolithography (3-D Layering) Works" Stereolithography -also known as 3D printing -is an amazing technology that allows you to build 3D plastic prototypes almost as easily as you... Tele: http://www.howstuffworks.com/stereolith1.htm CSIRO Corporate Media Release 96/88 Stereolithography uses a laser to solidify very thin layers of liquid plastic until an exact solid copy is created. Tele: http://www.csiro.au/communication/mediarel/mr96088.htm TECH,INC. Stereolithography Tech, Inc. provides superior rapid prototyping services. TECH, Inc.'s Stereolithography services provide the highest level of quality at competitive... Tele: http://www.techok.com/rapidproto.html Stereolithography-San-Tech-Division of Res-Tech, Inc. Stereolithography. This process quickly builds prototypes or engineering models by directing a laser beam to draw a .006" thick cross-section o... Tele: http://www.santineng.com/stereo.html Spectra Group Limited-Stereolithography/Medical Imaging Tele: http://www.sglinc.com/stereol.htm Stereolithography Equipment. The machine consists of several parts. Tele: http://www.caip.rutgers.edu/~kbhiggin/VDF/SLA.html Laser Reproductions-Stereolithgraphy (SLA) Rapid Prototypes Tele: http://www.bordner.net/ NITC-PDDC-Stereolithography The Stereolithography (SLA) Process. The SLA process translates a Computer Aided Design into a physical prototype in just a few hours. Tele: http://www.nitc.qub.ac.uk/divs/adc-sla.htm Spectra Group Limited-Stereolithography/Medical Imaging Tele: http://www.sglinc.com/aorta1.htm Rapid Prototyping using Stereolithography (SLA). Selective Laser Design Prototyping Technologies (DPT) provides state-of-the-art stereolithography (SLA), selective laser sintering (SLS), urethane Castings, Tele: http://www.dpt-fast.com/contact.html The invention Channel Tele: http://www.inventionchannel.com RevShare Corp Tele: http://www.revsharecorp.com Invention Convention Tele: http://www.inventionconvention.com Trade Show News Network Listing of tradeshows and exhibitor information Tele: http://www.tsnn.com/ Exhibitornet Trade show and event marketing Tele: http://www.exhibitornet.com/ TSCentral Trade show and training information Tele: http://ww0.tscentral.com/ Technology Fair Technology fair and expo Tele: http://www.technologyfair.com/ Event Hotline Ideas event database Tele: http://www.american.edu/projects/mandala/TED/one/eventshotline.htm How Stuff Works-Learn how Everything Works! Tele: http://www.howstuffworks.com/index.htm InventorEd's Free Resources Tele: http://www.inventored.org/ Inventors Digest Magazine Tele: http://www.inventorsdigest.com/ MIT Invention Dimension! Tele: http://web.mit.edu/invent/ Nolo Patent & Trade Secrets Tele: http://www.nolo.com/lawcenter/ency/index.cfm/catID/FD8C060B-5DD4-4809-A53ECCF6BBD87E32 Standford Univ. Swain Library Res. For Patents and Inventions Tele: http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/swain/patent/pattop.html Thomas Register Tele: http://www.thomasregister.com Email marketing and digital marketing Tele: http://www.1automationwiz.com Search Engine Tools Tele: http://www.searchenginepromotiontools.com News and media contacts Tele: http://www.prwizard.com Software Tele: http://www.cybersamurai.com Delphion Citation Link Tele: http://www.delphion.com/ European Patent Office Tele: http://www.european-patent-office.org/ General Information Concerning Patents Tele: http://www.pueblo.gsa.gov/cic_text/smbuss/patents/toc.htm Internet Patent News Tele: http://www.bustpatents.com/ Japan Patent Office Tele: http://www.jpo.go.jp/ The Patent Cafe Tele: http://www.patentcafe.com United States Patent and Trademark Office Search page Tele: http://www.uspto.gov/web/menu/search.html Auburn Alabama PTO Library Tele: http://www.lib.auburn.edu/scitech/resguide/patents/ptdl.html Anchorage Alaska PTO Library Tele: http://www.muni.org/library1/index.cfm Little Rock Arkansas PTO Library Tele: http://www.asl.lib.ar.us/patents/index.html Los Angeles California PTO Library Tele: http://www.lapl.org/central/science.html San Diego California PTO Library Tele: http://www.sandiego.gov/public-library/index.shtml San Francisco California PTO Library Tele: http://sfpl.lib.ca.us/ Sunnyvale California PTO Library Tele: http://www.sci3.com/ Denver Colorado PTO Library Tele: http://www.denver.lib.co.us/index.html Hartford Connecticut PTO Library Tele: http://www.hartfordpl.lib.ct.us/ Newark Delaware PTO Library Tele: http://www.lib.udel.edu/ District of Columbia Washington PTO Library Tele: http://www.founders.howard.edu/ Tampa Florida PTO Library Tele: http://www.lib.usf.edu/virtual/govdocs/ Honolulu Hawaii PTO Library Tele: http://www.state.hi.us/libraries/feddocs Chicago Illinois PTO Library Tele: http://www.chipublib.org/008subject/009scitech/patents.html West Lafayette Indiana PTO Library Tele: http://www.lib.purdue.edu/index.html Des Moines Iowa PTO Library Tele: http://www.silo.lib.ia.us/ Wichita Kansas PTO Library Tele: http://library.wichita.edu/govdoc/patents.html Louisville Kentucky PTO Library Tele: http://lfpl.org/ Baton Rouge Louisiana PTO Library Tele: http://www.lib.lsu.edu/index.html Orono Maine PTO Library Tele: http://library.umaine.edu/patents/default.htm College Park Maryland PTO Library Tele: http://www.lib.umd.edu/ENGIN/engin.html Amherst Massachusetts PTO Library Tele: http://www.library.umass.edu/libraries/physsci.html Boston Massachusetts PTO Library Tele: http://www.bpl.org/research/govdocs/patent_trademark.htm Big Rapids Michigan PTO Library Tele: http://www.ferris.edu/library/patent/homepage.html Detroit Michigan PTO Library Tele: http://www.detroit.lib.mi.us/glptc/ Minneapolis Minnesota PTO Library Tele: http://www.mplib.org/ Jackson Mississippi PTO Library Tele: http://www.mlc.lib.ms.us/ Kansas City Missouri PTO Library Tele: http://www.lindahall.org/ St. Louis Missouri PTO Library Tele: http://www.slpl.lib.mo.us/library.htm Butte Montana PTO Library Tele: http://www.mtech.edu/library/ Reno Nevada PTO Library Tele: http://www.library.unr.edu/depts/bgic/ Concord New Hampshire PTO Library Tele: http://www.state.nh.us/nhsl/patents/index.html Newark New Jersey PTO Library Tele: http://www.npl.org/Pages/Collections/bst.html Piscataway New Jersey PTO Library Tele: http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/ Albany New York PTO Library Tele: http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/patents.htm Buffalo New York PTO Library Tele: http://www.buffalolib.org/ New York New York PTO Library Tele: http://www.nypl.org/research/sibl/pattrade/pattrade.htm Rochester New York PTO Library Tele: http://www.libraryweb.org/ Grand Forks North Dakota PTO Library Tele: http://www.und.edu/dept/library/resources/patents/index.jsp Cincinnati Ohio PTO Library Tele: http://www.cincinnatilibrary.org/ Cleveland Ohio PTO Library Tele: http://www.cpl.org/ Columbus Ohio PTO Library Tele: http://www.lib.ohio-state.edu/OSU_profile/phyweb Stillwater Oklahoma PTO Library Tele: http://www.library.okstate.edu/patents/index.htm Portland Oregon PTO Library Tele: http://www.lclark.edu/~lawlib/ Philadelphia Pennsylvania PTO Library Tele: http://www.library.phila.gov/index.htm Pittsburgh Pennsylvania PTO Library Tele: http://www.clpgh.org/clp/Scitech/ University Park Pennsylvania PTO Library Tele: http://www.libraries.psu.edu/crsweb/business/patents/ Mayaguez Puerto Rico Tele: http://www.uprm.edu/library/patents Providence Rhode Island PTO Library Tele: http://www.provlib.org/ Clemson South Carolina PTO Library Tele: http://www.lib.clemson.edu/GovDocs/patents/newpat.htm Rapid City South Dakota PTO Library Tele: http://www.sdsmt.edu/services/library/library.html Nashville Tennessee PTO Library Tele: http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/patents/ Austin Texas PTO Library Tele: http://www.lib.utexas.edu/engin/ College Station Texas PTO Library Tele: http://library.tamu.edu/govdocs/intprop.html Dallas Texas PTO Library Tele: http://dallaslibrary.org/ Houston Texas PTO Library Tele: http://www.rice.edu/Fondren/PTDL/ Lubbock Texas PTO Library Tele: http://www.lib.ttu.edu/gov_docs/index.htm Salt Lake City Utah PTO Library Tele: http://www.lib.utah.edu/govdoc/ Burlington Vermont PTO Library Tele: http://library.uvm.edu/reference/government/patent.html Richmond Virginia PTO Library Tele: http://www.library.vcu.edu/jbc/govdocs/govhome.html Seattle Washington PTO Library Tele: http://www.lib.washington.edu/Engineering/ Morgantown West Virginia PTO Library Tele: http://www.libraries.wvu.edu/patents/index.htm Madison Wisconsin PTO Library Tele: http://www.wisc.edu/wendt/patent/patent.html Milwaukee Wisconsin PTO Library Tele: http://www.mpl.org/ Cheyenne Wyoming PTO Library Tele: http://www-wsl.state.wy.us/sis/ptdl/index.html National Inventor Fraud Center, Inc. Tele: http://www.inventorfraud.com/goodguys.htm American Intellectual Property Law Association A wide spectrum of IP laws Tele: http://www.aipla.org/ World Intellectual Property Org. Covers global IP issues & law Tele: http://www.wipo.org/index.html.en Patent Attorneys and Agents Attorneys registered before the PTO Tele: http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/dcom/olia/oed/roster/region/index.html Legal Information Institute Legal information and resources Tele: http://www.law.cornell.edu/ American Bar Association Largest voluntary legal association Tele: http://www.abanet.org/ Internet Legal Resource Guide Over 4000 select law related web Tele: http://www.ilrg.com/ Our clients contact us from all over the United States and ask us for the names of patent Law firms. What follows is a list of patent law firms we have either used, contacted or interfaced with. If you would like a personal referral on any of them please contact us by email from our "Contact Us" page and we will be happy to give you any information we have regarding a particular firm. There are some we highly recommend. TIP:
J. Victor Price (Tallassee) Web: http://jvictorprice.lawoffice.com/ Hill, Hill, Carter, Franco, Cole & Black (Montgomery) Web: http://www.thehillfirm.com/ Page Law Firm (Birmingham) Web: http://www.pagelaw.com/ourfirm.htm Mohr, Hackett, Pederson, Blakley & Randolph, P.C. (Phoenix) Web: http://www.mohrhackettlaw.com/ Quigley & Whitehill, P.L.C. (Tucson) Web: http://whitehill.wld.com/ Steptoe & Johnson LLP (Phoenix) Web: http://www.steptoe.com/ Harry L. Newman (Sedona) 220 Rockridge Drive Tele: 520-282-8481 Stoneman Law Offices, Ltd. (Phoenix) 3113 N. 3 rd Street Tele: 602-263-9200 Antonio R. Durando (Tucson) 2929 E. Broadway Tele: 520-881-9442 Quattlebaum, Grooms, Tull & Burrow PLLC Web: http://www.qgtb.com/ Townsend and Townsend and Crew LLP (San Francisco) Web: http://www.townsend.com/ Law Offices of Daniel Richardson (San Francisco) Web: http://www.richardsoniplaw.com/ Bay Area Lawyers Network (San Francisco) Web: http://bayarealawyersnetwork.lawoffice.com/ Michael Blaine Brooks, P.C. (Calabasas) Web: http://www.mbrookslaw.com/ Dorsey & Whitney LLP (San Francisco) Web: http://www.dorsey.com/ Reed Smith (San Francisco) Web: http://www.reedsmith.com/ Covington & Burling (San Francisco) Web: http://www.cov.com/index.html Perez & McNabb (Orinda) Web: http://www.perezmcnabb.com/ Marin Business Law (Larkspur) Web: http://www.marinbizlaw.com/ Anderlini, Finkelstein, Emerick & Smoot (San Mateo) Web: http://www.afelawfirm.com/CM/Custom/home.asp Kenyon & Kenyon (San Jose) Web: http://www.kenyon.com/ Fortune Law Group LLP (San Jose) Web: http://www.san-jose-law-firm.com/ Gorman & Miller (San Jose, Santa Monica) Web: http://www.gormanmiller.com/ La Fleur & Yasin, LLP (San Jose) Web: http://www.lafleuryasin.com/ Glass & Associates (Los Gatos) Web: http://patentforce.com/ Friedemann O'Brien Goldberg & Zarian LLP (Santa Rosa) Web: http://www.fogzlaw.com/ Kimble, MacMichael & Upton, P.C. (Fresno) Web: http://www.kmulaw.com/index.html Loeb Kosacz & Sundberg (Westlake Village) Web: http://www.lkslaw.com/ Tong & Associates (Woodland Hills) Web: http://www.my-patent-lawyer.com/ Law Offices of Elliott N. Kramsky (Woodland Hills) Web: http://www.lo-enk.com/ Appleton, Blady & Magnanimo (Los Angeles) Web: http://www.abmlawyers.com/ Cislo & Thomas, L.L.P. (Santa Monica) Web: http://www.cislo.com/ Alschuler, Grossman, Stein & Kahan L.L.P. (Santa Monica) Web: http://www.agsk.com/ Kleinberg & Lerner, L.,L.P. (Los Angeles) Web: http://www.kleinberglerner.com/ Leopold, Petrich & Smith, A professional Corp. (Los Angeles) Web: http://www.lpsla.com/ Foley & Lardner LLP (Los Angeles) Web: http://www.foley.com/ Piper Rudnick LLP (Los Angeles) Web: http://www.piperrudnick.com/ Trojan Law Offices (Beverly Hills) Web: http://www.trojanlawoffices.com/ Zuber & Taillieu LLP (Beverly Hills) Web: http://www.zuberlaw.com/ Chan Law Group LC (Los Angeles) Web: http://www.chanlaw.com/ Kohan Law Firm (Los Angeles) Web: http://kohanlawfirm.lawoffice.com/ Townsend and Townsend and Crew LLP (Denver) Web: http://www.townsend.com/ Petrie Bauer Schwartz LLP (Denver) Web: http://www.petriebauer.com/ Pelez & Associates, P.C. (Denver) Web: http://www.pelzlaw.com/ Dorsey & Whitney LLP (Denver) Web: http://www.dorsey.com/ Kurt P. Leyendecker, Registered Patent Attorney (Highlands Ranch) Web: http://www.leyendeckerlawoffices.com/ Michael A. Ruderman (Boulder) Web: http://www.mikeruderman.com/ Howard O. Bernstein, P.C. (Boulder) Web: http://www.bernsteinattorney.com/ Alderman & Alderman (Hartford) Web: http://www.alderman.com/intro.html Wiggin & Dana LLP (Hartford) Web: http://www.wiggin.com/ Wiggin & Dana LLP (New Haven) Web: http://www.wiggin.com/ Parkowski, Guerke & Swayze, P.A. (Dover) Web: http://www.pgslegal.com/ Reed Smith (Wilmington) Web: http://www.reedsmith.com/ Connolly Bove Lodge & Hutz LLP (Wilmington) Web: http://www.cblhlaw.com/ Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP & Affiliates (Wilmington) Web: http://www.skadden.com/siteindex.htm Zarco Einhorn & Salkowski, P.A. (Miami) Web: http://www.zarcolaw.com/CM/Custom/home.asp Feldman Gale & Weber, P.A. (Miami) Web: http://www.fgwlaw.com/ Law Office of Bohdan Neswiacheny (Sarasota) Web: http://www.bnlaws.com/FSL5CS/Custom/home.asp Piper Rudnick LLP (Tampa) Web: http://www.piperrudnick.com/ Carlton Fields (Tampa) Web: http://www.carltonfields.com/ Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice PLLC (Atlanta) Web: http://www.wcsr.com/ Needle & Rosenberg, P.C. (Atlanta) Web: http://www.needlerosenberg.com/ Greene Buckley Jones & McQueen (Atlanta) Web: http://www.gbjmlaw.com/ Myers & Associates, Intellectual Property Law, P.C. (Atlanta) Web: http://www.myersiplaw.com/ Briskin & Associates, L.C. (Alpharetta) Web: http://www.briskinlaw.com/ Law Firm of Michael R. McKenna (Kailua-Kona) Web: http://www.hipatent.com/ Patzik, Frank & Samotny Ltd. (Chicago) Web: http://www.pfs-law.com/ Welsh & Katz Ltd. (Chicago) Web: http://www.welshkatz.com/ Piper Rudnick LLP (Chicago) Web: http://www.piperrudnick.com/ Horowitz & Weinstein Chicago Lawyers (Chicago) Web: http://www.hwchicagolaw.com/ Foley & Lardner LLP (Chicago) Web: http://www.foley.com/ Scott Intellectual Property Law (Chicago) Web: http://www.scottiplaw.com/ Perrone, Mathew R.P. Jr. (Algonquin) Web: http://www.perronepatents.com/ Cardinal Law Group (Evanston) Web: http://www.cardinallawgroup.com/ Fullin Legal Services LLC (Libertyville) Web: http://www.fullinlegal.com/ Herzog, Crebs & McGhee, LLP (Belleville) Web: http://www.hcmllp.com/ Barnes & Thornburg (Indianapolis) Web: http://www.btlaw.com/ Botkin & Hall (South Bend) Tele: 574-234-3900 Brian Foxworthy (Georgetown) Tele: 812-944-7005 Gary K. Price (Evansville) Tele: 812-484-1111 Lund & Associates (Fort Wayne) Tele: 219-422-1534 McDonald, Brown and Fagen (Gimes) Web: http://www.dallascenterlawyers.com/ Parrish Kruidenier Moss Dunn Boles Gribble & Cook LLP (Cedar Rapids) Web: http://www.parrishlaw.com/CM/Custom/Home.asp Chase Law Firm, L.C. (Overland Park) Web: http://www.usapatlaw.com/ McConwell Law Offices (Mission) Tele: 913-262-0605 Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin, LLP (Overland Park) Web: http://www.blackwellsanders.com/ Thomas Scofield (Olathe) Tele: 913-897-1441 Robert O. Blinn Law Office (Wichita) Tele: 316-773-3270 Stockwell & Associates (Lexington) 861 Corporate Drive, Suite 201 Tele: 859-223-3400 Stewart, Roelandt, Stoess & Crainginyle (Crestwood) Web: http://www.oldhamcountylaw.com/ Ackerson & Yann, P.S.C. (Louisville) 401 West Main Street, Suite 1200 Tele: 502-583-7400 Moulton & Long PLLC (Elizabethtown) Web: http://www.moultonlonglaw.com/ King and Schickli, PLLC (Lexington) 247 N. Broadway Tele: 859-252-0889 Robert Miller (Louisville) 10000 Shelbyville Rd. Suite 112 Tele: 502-245-7717 Camoriano & Associates (Louisville) 8225 Shelbyville Rd. Tele: 502-423-9850 Sieberth & Patty, LLC (Baton Rouge) Web: http://www.patentcounsel.com/ Joseph T. Regard, III (Metairie) 3200 Ridgelake Drive Tele: 504-834-0596 Thomas Bohan & Associates (Portland) 371 Fore Street Tele: 207-773-3132 Eaton Peabody Attorneys at Law (Bangor) Web: http://www.eatonpeabody.com/ Walter Farley (Harpswell) Tele: 207-833-6793 Piper Rudnick (Baltimore) Web: http://www.piperrudnick.com/ Venable LLP (Baltimore) Web: http://www.venable.com/ Venable LLP (Towson) Web: http://www.venable.com/ Piper Rudnick LLP (Annapolis) Web: http://www.piperrudnick.com/ Venable LLP (Rockland) Web: http://www.venable.com/ Piper Rudnick LLP (Easton) Web: http://www.piperrudnick.com/ Louis A. Scholz (Sykesville) 850 State Tele: 410-795-9100 The Law Office of Joseph G. Contrera, Esq. (Rockville) 15004 Bitterroot Way Tele: 240-988-8763 Leonard Belkin (Chevy Chase) 4515 Willard Avenue Tele: 516-582-6161 Donald Kettlestrings (Rockville) 414 Hungerford Drive Tele: 301-279-7577 Liniak, Berenato & White (Bethesda) 6550 Rock Spring Drive Tele: 301-365-8000 Blake C. Sajonia (GaithersburgP 250 Beckwith Street Tele: 301-990-6942 Mills & Onello LLP (Boston) http://www.millsonello.com/ Hale and Dorr, LLP (Boston) Web: http://www.haledorr.com/ Lowrie Lando & Anastasi LLP (Cambridge) Web: http://www.ll-a.com/flash.html Law Offices of Michael Leccese, P.C. (North Andover) Web: http://www.ip-lawoffices.com/ Weingarten, Schurgin, Gagnebin & Lebovici LLP (Boston) Ten Post Office Square Tele: 617-542-2290 John McGonagale (Rockland) 800 Hingham Street Tele: 781-871-4000 Joseph Funk (Chelmsford) 11 Summer Street, Bldg. B, Unit 7 Tele: 978-256-6656 Henry Miller (Groton) 60 Mayfield Rd. Tele: 978-448-3130 Alan F. Feeney (Westminster) 11 Pleasant Street Tele: 978-874-2547 Ronald H. Cody (Southampton) Tele: 413-527-5760 Howard & Howard Attorneys, P.C. (Bloomfield Hills) Web: http://www.howardandhoward.com/ Dinnin & Dunn, P.C. (Auburn Hills) Web: http://www.dinnindunn.com/ Schwegman Lundbert Woessner Kluth Web: http://www.slwk.com/ John E. McRae (Farmington) 28059 Kendall Wood Drive Tele: 248-553-4180 Joseph J. Goluban (Trenton) 3033 Van Horne Tele: 734-675-1560 Reising, Ethington, Barnes, Kisselle, P.C. (Troy) 201 W. Big Beaver Tele: 248-689-3500 Reising, Ethington, Barnes, Kisselle, P.C. (Saginaw) 5291 Colony Drive Tele: 517-799-5300 Reising, Ethington, Barnes, Kisselle, P.C. (Elk Rapids) 212 River Street Tele: 248-689-3500 Everett Casey (Fernday) 721 E. Saratoga Street Tele: 248-548-4700 Rudy, Gassert, Yetka & Pritchett, P.A. (Cloquet) Web: http://www.cloquetlaw.com/ Arthur Chapman, Kettering, Smetak & Pikala, P.A. (Minneapolis) Web: http://www.arthurchapman.com/ Schwegman, Lunberg, Woessner Kluth (Minneapolis) Web: http://slwk.lawoffice.com/ Carlson, Caspers, Vandenburg & Lindquist (Minneapolis) Web: http://www.ccvl.com/ Dorsey & Whitney LLP (Minneapolis) Web: http://www.dorsey.com/ Westman, Champlin & Kelly P.A. (Minneapolis) 900 Second Ave. South Tele: 612-334-3222 Fulbright & Jaworski LLP (Minneapolis) Web: http://www.fulbright.com/ Larkin Hoffman Daly & Lindgren Ltd. (Minneapolis) Web: http://www.larkinhoffman.com/ Fleming Law Office (St. Paul) 1860 Highland Parkway Tele: 651-690-4656 John C. Sullivan, Jr. and Sullivan and Sullivan (Jackson) Web: http://www.johncsullivanjr.com/ Mayo Mallette PLLC (Oxford) Web: http://mayomallette.com/ Heidelberg & Woodliff, P.A. (Jackson) Tele: 601-948-3800 Blackwell Peper Martin LLP (Kansas City) Web: http://www.blackwellsanders.com/ Rouse Hendricks German May PC (Kansas City) Web: http://www.rhgm.com/ Sherman, Taff & Bangert, P.C. (Kansas City) 1100 Main Suite 2890 Tele: 816-471-6900 Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin (Springfield) Web: http://www.blackwellsanders.com/ Helfrey, Simon & Jones, P.c. (Clayton) Web: http://www.hsjlaw.com/ Herzog, Crebs & McGhee, LLP (St. Louis) Web: http://www.hcmllp.com/ Blackwell Sanders Peper Maratin LLP (St. Louis) Web: http://www.blackwellsanders.com/ Guilfoil, Petzall & Shoemake, LLC (St. Louis) 100 S. 4 th Street, Suite 500 Tele: 314-241-6890 Neale & Newman LLP (Springfield) 1949 E. Sunshine Tele: 417-882-9090 Charles C. McCloskey (St. Louis) 8160 Flintstone Trail Tele: 314-729-7990 Murphy, Kirkpatrick & Fain, PLLP (Billings) Web: http://www.murphkirk.com/ Law Offices of Adam H. Jacobs (Omaha) Web: http://adamhjacobs.lawoffice.com/ Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin (Omaha) Web: http://www.blackwellsanders.com/ Thomas L. Winkler (Lincoln) 1317 L Street Weiss & Moy, P.C. (Las Vegas) Web: http://www.weissiplaw.com/ Quirk Tratos (Las Vegas) Web: http://www.quirkandtratos.com/ Anderson & Morishita (Las Vegas) Web: http://www.andersonmorishita.com/ Skinner, Watson & Rounds, P.C. (Las Vegas) Web: http://www.sswlegal.com/ Lewis and Roca LLP (Las Vegas) Web: http://www.lrlaw.com/ Piper Rudnick LLP (Las Vegas) Web: http://www.piperrudnick.com/ Douglas H. Clark, Ltd. (Las Vegas) 520 S. 4 th Street, Suite 360 Tele: 702-388-1888 George V. Eltgroth (Las Vegas) 3601 Cambridge Street Tele: 702-796-3569 Russ Weinzimmer, Esq. (Milford) Web: http://www.strategicpatentlawyer.com/ Christopher Hofmeister (Windham) 58 Range Road Tele: 603-894-1254 Bourque & Associates, P.A. (Manchester) 835 Hanover Street, Suite 303 Tele: 603-623-5111 Hangley Aronchick Segal & Pudlin (Cherry Hill) Web: http://www.hangley.com/ Mark S. Cherry, Attorney at Law (Cherry Hill) 385 Kings Highway, suite 101 Tele: 856-667-1234 x 101 Synnestvedt & Lechber & Woodbridge, LLP (Princeton) Web: http://www.synnlech.com/ Reed Smith (Princeton) Web: http://www.reedsmith.com/ Hale and Dorr LLP (Princeton) Web: http://www.haledorr.com/ Mathews, Collins, Shepherd &Gould, P.A. (Princeton) Web: http://www.mathewslaw.com/ Michels & Hockenjos, P.C. (Flemington) Web: http://mhfirm.wld.com/ Piper Rudnick LLP, a New Jersey Limited Liability Partnership, Robert A. Assuncao, Managing Partner (Edison) Web: http://www.piperrudnick.com/ Reed Smith (Newark) Web: http://www.reedsmith.com/ Garrity, Graham, Favetta & Flinn, P.C. (Montclair) Web: http://www.garritygraham.com/ Sweeney Lev, LLC (Montclair) Web: http://www.sweeneylev.com/ David Starer, Patent Agent (Haddonfield) 312 Walnut Street Tele: 856-581-8911 John Scarborough (Clementon) 2002 Silver Lake Manor Tele: 609-782-7869 Thomason & Moser (Red Bank) 2 Bridge Avenue Tele: 732-530-9404 Leo Stanger (Summit) Tele: 908-277-8588 William C. Long (Morristown) 90 Maple Avenue Tele: 973-540-8470 Peacock, Myers & Adams, P.C. (Albuquerque) Web: http://www.peacocklaw.com/ Groover & Bachand, P.C. (Albuquerque) 5353 Wyoming blvd., NE, Suite 3 Tele: 505-823-1993 Robert w. Becker & Associates (Tijeras) 11896 N. Highway 14 Tele: 505-286-3511 Milde & Hoffberg, LLP (White Plains) Web: http://www.mildehoffberg.com/ Law Offices of Jennifer Meredith (New York) Web: http://www.jennifermeredith.com/ Richard B. Klar (New York) Web: http://www.nypat.com/ Jack B. Kim, P.C. (New York) Web: http://www.jackkim.com/ Bryan Cave LLP (New York) Web: http://www.bryancave.com/ Cohen, Pontani, Lieberman & Pavane (New York) 551 Fifth Avenue Tele: 212-687-2770 Morgan & Finnegan (New York) Web: http://www.morganfinnegan.com/ Reed Smith (New York) Web: http://www.reedsmith.com/ Piper Rudnick LLP (New York) Web: http://www.piperrudnick.com/ Davidson, Davidson & Kappel, LLC (New York) 1140 Avenue of the Americas Tele: 212-997-1028 Albert Brent (Floral Park) 269-27 Grand Ctl. Pky. Tele: 71l8-224-2429 Howard A. Taishoff (Great Neck) 105 Oxford Blvd. Tele: 516-482-4455 Lowell M. Rubin (Brooklyn) 141 Argyle Rd. Tele: 718-282-4377 Law Office of John Fazzini (Huntington Station) Web: http://www.fazzinilaw.com/ Harkins & Hunte (Mohegan Lake) Web: http://harkins-hunte.lawoffice.com/ John Maier, III (Kingston) Web: http://johnmaieriii.lawoffice.com/ Thuillez, Ford, Gold, Johnson & Butler (Albany) Web: http://www.tfgjlaw.com/ Levene, Gouldin & Thompson (Vestal) Web: http://www.binghamtonlaw.com/ Colucci & Gallagher P.C. (Buffalo) Web: http://www.colucci-gallaher.com/ Collard & roe, P.C. (Roslyn) 1077 Northern Blvd. Tele: 516-365-9802 Nolte, Nolte & Hunter (Roslyn) 1077 Northern Blvd. Tele: 516-365-9802 Robert Strack (Jericho) 333 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 236 Tele: 516-938-1633 Sprung, Kramer, Schaefer & Briscoe (Tarrytown) 660 White Plains Rd. Tele: 914-332-1700 Eugene S. Stephens (Rochester) 56 Windsor Street Tele: 716-232-7700 Jerry Cadwell (Shoreham) 21 Mary Pitkin Path Tele: 516-821-1049 Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice PLLC (Charlotte) Web: http://www.wcsr.com/ Clifton T. Hunt, P.A. (Charlotte) 5217 Carmel Park Drive Tele: 704-365-2844 W. Thad Adams, III P.A. (Charlotte) 301 s. Tryon Street Tele: 704-375-9249 Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice PLLC (Winston Salem) Web: http://www.wcsr.com/ Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice PLLC (Greensboro) Web: http://www.wcsr.com/ Coats & Abennett PLLC (Cary) Web: http://www.coatsandbennett.com/ Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice PLLC (Triangle Park) Web: http://www.wcsr.com/ Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice PLLC (Raleigh) Web: http://www.wcsr.com/ Dixon, Doub, Conner & Foster (Greenville) Web: http://www.downeast-law.com/ Walter Beavers (Greensboro) 326 S. Eugene Street Tele: 336-275-7601 MacCord Mason PLLC (Greensboro) 300 North Greene Street Tele: 336-273-4422 Lynn E. Barber (Raleigh) Tele: 919-833-8150 The Law Offices of Schulz, Lervick, Geiermann & Bergeson (Bismarck) Web: http://www.slgblaw.com/ Neustel Law Offices, Ltd. (Fargo) 2534 S. University Drive #4 Tele: 701-281-8822 Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP (Cincinnati) Web: http://www.vssp.com/ Jones Day (Columbus) Web: http://www1 .jonesday.com/ Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP (Columbus) Web: http://www.vssp.com/ Glenn D. Smith (Willowwick) 30325 Thomas Street Tele: 440-585-9793 Harpman & Harpman (Youngstown) 819 Southwestern Run Tele: 330-758-7505 Jerry William Semer (Fremont) 617 Croghan Street Tele: 419-332-2221 Robert W. Witt (Toledo) 316 N. Michigan, Suite 312 Tele: 419-241-3251 Steven W. Miller (West Chester) 6690 Oregon Pass Tele: 513-779-4158 Steven J. Rosen (Cincinnati) 4729 Cornell Road Tele: 513-489-5383 Capehart Law Firm PLLC (Tulsa) Web: http://capehartlaw.com/ Molly McKay D. P.C. (Tulsa) 3207 E. 22 nd Street Tele: 918-742-5900 Cerebalaw (Beaverton) Web: http://www.cerebalaw.com/ Marger Johnson & McCollom P.C. (Portland) Web: http://www.techlaw.com/ Birdwell & Janke LLP (Portland) 1400 Standard Plaza Tele: 503-228-1841 McEwen Gisvold LLP (Portland) 1100 SW 6 th Avenue, suite 1600 Tele: 503-226-7321 Anderson & Adamson, LLP (Roseburg) Tele: 541-672-4719 Lee R. Schermerhorn (Portland) 2400 SW 4 th Avenue Tele: 503-222-1321 Dautrick & Dautrich Law Offices (Reading) Web: http://www.dautrich.com/ Miller Law Group, PLLC (Reading) Web: http://www.millerlawgroup.net/ Wiggin & Dana LLP (Conshohocken) Web: http://www.wiggin.com/ Law Offices of Joel B. Albert, P.c. (Bala Cynwyd) Web: http://www.albertlaw.com/ Reed Smith (Philadelphia) Web: http://www.reedsmith.com/ Piper Rudnick LLP (Philadelphia) Web: http://www.piperrudnick.com/ Shirk, Reist, Wagenseller & Mecum (Lancaster) Web: http://www.lawyers.com/srwm/ Hangley Aronchick Segal & Pudlin, P.c. (Harrisburg) Web: http://www.hangley.com/ Reed Smith (Harrisburg) Web: http://www.reedsmith.com/ Reed Smith (Philadelphia) Web: http://www.reedsmith.com/ Webb Ziesenheim Logsdon Orkin & Hanson, P.C. (Pittsburgh) Web: http://www.webblaw.com/firm.htm Reed Smith (Pittsburgh) Web: http://www.reedsmith.com/ Andracki Law Offices (Pittsburgh) Web: http://www.andrackilaw.com/ Ference & Associates (Pittsburgh) Web: http://www.ferencelaw.com/ Richard O. Church (Reading) 16-B Doral Avenue Tele: 610-775-1427 Michael F. Petock (Valley Forge) 1220 Valley Forge Road Tele: 610-935-8600 Frederick J. Olsson (Wayne) Tele: 215-687-1676 Allan J. Jacobson (Langhorne) 13310 Summit Sq. Ctr. Tele: 215-579-1426 H. Robinson Ertelt (West Chester) 1201 Princeton Lane Tele: 610-430-7180 Robert J. Yarbrough (Media) 201 North Jackson Street Tele: 610-891-0668 Eugene E. Renz, Jr. (Media) 205 N. Monroe Street Tele: 610-565-6090 Elman Technology Law, P.C. (Swarthmore) 406 Yale Avenue Tele: 610-892-9942 Michael J. Delaney (Naticoke) 510 E. Main Street Tele: 570-735-3950 Inna Y. Belopolsky (Harrisburg) 2407 W. Bayberry Drive Tele: 717-652-6893 Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice PLLC (Greenville) Web: http://www.wcsr.com/ Willard M. Hanger (Hilton Head Island) 79 Lighthouse Road Tele: 843-363-2075 Thomas Law Firm (Columbia) 1201 Main Street, Suite 1980 Tele: 803-748-1303 Davenport, Evans, Hurwitz & Smith, LLP (Sioux Falls) 206 W. 14 th Street Tele: 605-336-2880 Cornelius & Collins, LLP (Nashville) Web: http://www.cornelius-collins.com/ Stewart, Estes & Donnell (Nashville) Web: http://www.sedlaw.com/ Sherrard & Roe PLC (Nashville) Web: http://www.sherrardroe.com/ Crone & Mason, PLC (Memphis) Web: http://www.cronemason.com/ Clark R. Cowley (Fort Worth) Web: http://www.whitakerchalk.com/site/crc.htm David Cain (Dallas) Web: http://home1 .gte.net/res0cmkt/dalpat/index.html Michael A. O'Neil (Dallas) Web: http://www.oneiliplaw.com/ The Zisman Law Firm (Dallas) Web: http://www.zisman.net/ Piper Rudnick LLP (Dallas) Web: http://www.piperrudnick.com/ Bracewell & Patterson, LLP (Dallas) Web: http://www.bracepatt.com/ Law Office of Paul W. Fulbright, PLLC (Richardson) 2003 JJ Pearce Drive Tele: 972-907-8679 Groover & Bachand, P.C. (Dallas) 17000 Preston Road Tele: 972-380-6333 J. Hughes Powell, Jr. (Dallas) 3315 Hanover Street Tele: 214-361-6242 Dolce & Thomas, LLP (Dallas) 5720 LBJ Freeway, Suite 470 Tele: 972-387-8880 Bracewell & Patterson, LLP (Ft. Worth) Web: http://www.bracepatt.com/ Ray, Valdez, McChristian & Jeans, P.C. (Fort Worth) Web: http://www.rvmjfirm.com/ Hammerele Finley (Denton) Web: http://www.hammerle.com/ Lawrence Johnson (Waco) Web: http://lawrencejohnson.lawoffice.com/ Fulbright & Jaworski LLP (Austin) Web: http://www.fulbright.com/ Taylor & Dunham, LLP (Austin) Web: http://www.taylordunham.com/ Minton, Burton, Foster & Collins, P.C. (Austin) Web: http://www.mbfc.com/ Farnsworth & Vonberg (Houston) 333 N. Sam Houston Parkway Tele: 713-931-8902 Law Office of James R. Davis (Houston) Web: http://jamesdavis2 .lawoffice.com/ The Matthews Firm (Houston) 1900 West Loop South 3D/Intl. Tower Suite 1800 Tele: 713-355-4200 Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP & Affiliates (Houston) Web: http://www.skadden.com/ Schwartz Junell Greenberg & Oathout, LLP (Houston) Web: http://schwartz-junell.lawoffice.com/ Fulbright & Jaworski LLP (Houston) Web: http://www.fulbright.com/ Ray, Valdez, McChristian & Jeans, PC (San Antonio) Web: http://www.rvmjfirm.com/ Miller & Burke, P.C. (San Antonio) Web: http://www.millerburke.com/ Gunn & Lee, P.C. (San Antonio) Web: http://www.gunn-lee.com/ Rick B. Yeager (Austin) 10805 Mellow Lane Tele: 512-918-1237 Browning Bushman (Austin) 701 Brazos, Suite 500 Tele: 512-320-9054 Patterson & Associates (Houston) 3040 Post Oak Blvd Tele: 713-623-4844 Matthews & Associates (Houston) Tele: 713-781-9595 Mark A. Oathout (Houston) 5615 Kirby Dr. #508 Tele: 713-522-6565 Murray Nadler (Houston) 3823 Oberlin Tele: 713-664-0519 Delphine James, Attorney at Law (Houston) 2656 South Loop West, Suite 170 Tele: 713-661-4144 Turner Moller Jr. (Corpus Christi) 711 N. Carancahua Tele: 512-883-7257 Sutter Axland (Salt Lake City) 175 S.W. Temple, Suite 700 Tele: 801-532-7300 Cramer, Cramer & Adair, LLC (Bountiful) Web: http://www.crameradair.com/ Mallinckrodt & Mallinckrodt (Salt Lake City) 10 Exchange Place, suite 510 Tele: 801-328-1624 John Ernest Schone (Layton) 1759 N 250 W Tele: 801-543-4333 Parker & DeStefano, P.C. (Chrarlottesville) Web: http://www.e-patentlaw.com/ Keith F. Goodenough (Keswick) Tele: 804-971-7100 Spotts Fain Chappell & Anderson, P.C. (Richmond) Web: http://www.spottsfain.com/ Reed Smith (Richmond) Web: http://www.reedsmith.com/ Bracewell & Patterson, LLP (Reston) Web: http://www.bracepatt.com/ Piper Rudnick LLP (Reston) Web: http://www.piperrudnick.com/ Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice PLLC (Corner) Web: http://www.wcsr.com/ Venable LLP (Vienna) Web: http://www.venable.com/ Reed Smith (Falls Church) Web: http://www.reedsmith.com/ Reed Smith (Leesburg) Web: http://www.reedsmith.com/ Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP (Alexandria) Web: http://www.vssp.com/ Greigg & Greigg PLLC (Alexandria) Web: http://www.greigg.com/ Patsy R. Moody (Powhatan) 1647 Indian Pipe Court Tele: 804-598-8l589 David N. Caracappa, Esq., PC (Forest) 803 Lake Vista Drive Tele: 978-827-1110 Clyde I. Coughenour (Woodbridge) 16607 Sutton Place Tele: 703-221-8677 Charles J. Stockstill (Burke) 7102 Counter Place Tele: 703-866-4583 Jasbir Singh (Great Falls) 10200 Milstead Road Tele: 703-834-6458 Lawrence E. Crane (Arlington) 316 N Thomas Street #3 Tele: 703-308-0196 Jerome D. Jackson (Alexandria) 211 N Unions Street, Suite 100 Tele: 703-684-4840 Terry M. Gernstein (McLean) 1015 Salt Meadows Lane Tele: 703-790-5945 Low & Low (Arlington) 2316 E Eads Street Tele: 703-979-4870 Peter J. Van Bergen (Williamsburg) 402 W Duke of Gloucester Street Tele: 757-220-2649 Law Offices of David L. Tingey (Renton) Web: http://www.tingeylaw.com/ Law Offices of David Pai (Seattle) Web: http://www.pailaw.com/ Williams, Kastner & Gibbs, PLLC (Seattle) Web: http://www.wkg.com/index.cfm Peloquin, PLLC (Seattle) Web: http://www.peloquinlaw.com/ Seed Intellectual Property Law Group (Seattle) Web: http://www.seedlaw.com/ Townsend and Townsend and Crew LLP (Seattle) Web: http://www.townsend.com/ Law Offices of John Compatore (Seattle) Web: http://www.compatorelaw.com/ Dorsey & Whitney LLP (Seattle) Web: http://www.dorsey.com/ Graybeal Jackson Haley LLP (Bellevue) 155-108 th Avenue NE Tele: 425-455-5575 Terence M. McTigue (Seattle) 423 E. Pike Street Tele: 425-454-3200 Stratton Ballew PLLC (Seattle) 1522 Seattle Tower Tele: 206-682-1496 Christensen O'Connor Johnson & Kindness, PLLC (Seattle) 1420 5 th Avenue Tele: 206-682-8100 Robert W. Beach (Seattle) 2919 W. Dravus Street Tele: 206-283-6860 Koda Law Office (Bainbridge Island) 520 Ericksen Ave. NE Tele: 206-780-8336 The Hughes Law Firm (Bellingham) 4164 Meridian Avenue Tele: 360-647-1296 Johnnie R. Hynson (Port Townsend) 718 Washington Tele: 360-385-5136 Piper Rudnick 1200- 19 th Street N.W. Web: http://www.piperrudnick.com Connolly Bove Lodge & Hutz LLP Web: http://www.cblhlaw.com/ Weiss & Moy P.C. Web: http://www.weissiplaw.com/ Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice PLLC Web: http://www.wcsr.com/ Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP Web: http://www.vssp.com/ Staas & Halsey LLP Web: http://www.staasandhalsey.com/ Wenderoth, Lind & Ponack, LLP Web: http://www.wenderoth.com/ Copilevitz & Canter, PC Web: http://www.exempttaxlaw.com/ M.H. Sears Law Firm, Chtd. Web: http://searshahn.lawoffice.com/ Morgan & Finnegan, LLP Web: http://www.morganfinnegan.com/ Bryan Cave LLP Web: http://www.bryancave.com/ Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin Web: http://www.blackwellsanders.com/ Rothwell, Figg, Ernst & Manbeck, P.C. 1425 K Street NW, Suite 800 Tele: 202-783-6040 Dorsey & Whitney LLP Web: http://www.dorsey.com/ Reed Smith Web: http://www.reedsmith.com/ Kenyon & Kenyon Web: http://www.kenyon.com/ Covington & Burling Web: http://www.cov.com/ Venable LLP Web: http://www.venable.com/ Stiennon & Stiennon (Madison) Web: http://www.machinepatents.com/ Foley & Lardner LLP (Madison) Web: http://www.foley.com/ Wilhelm Law Service (Appleton) Web: http://www.wilhelmlaw.com/ Recka & Joannes, S.C. (Green Bay) Web: http://www.reckajoannes.com/ Jansson, Shupe & Munger Ltd. (Racine) 245 Main Street Tele: 262-632-6900 Patent Cafe Patent Licensing Tele: http://www.patentcafe.com/ Patent Cafe Licensing Inventions Articles Tele: http://www.cafezine.com/index_article.asp?deptid=5&Id=661 Patent Licensing article from Angenehm Law Firm Tele: http://www.angenehm.com/casestudy1.html The Use of a Patent Licensing Center as an Intermediary Tele: http://vjolt.student.virginia.edu/text_only/vol3/vol3_art10.html The following Southern California organizations provide information and services relevant to the inventions commercialization process: Association for Corporate Growth E-mail: acgoc@aol.com Cal Tech/MIT Enterprise Forum Tele: http://entforum.caltech.edu/ LA Regional Technology Alliance Tele: http://www.larta.org Los Angeles Venture Association E-mail: Lava4@aol.com Orange Coast Venture Group E-mail: ocvgl@aol.com San Diego MIT Enterprise Forum E-mail: sndforum@mit.org The San Diego Venture Group Online Tele: http://www.sdvg.org/ Tech Coast Venture Network Tele: http://www.tcvn.org/ |