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Marketing Services
We are a full-spectrum marketing firm. We will provide as much help as you need or as little help as you need, never more than you need.
Whether you are an individual going to market with a new product or a corporate entity, with years of product sales experience, if you have a product to sell, we can help you identify, target and reach your customers with a guerilla style that will make you grin. Guaranteed! For over two decades we have helped our clients to find markets they had not identified, and then helped them to target, reach and "hook" those markets in ways that they had not considered. No matter how you choose to market your product, Riordanco will help you reach the maximum number of people most likely to purchase your product and we'll help you send them the right message that will encourage them to buy it.
At the Riordan Company you can always expect personal attention, focused on your needs. We will work with you in person, on the phone, by fax or email depending upon the security level necessary for your project..
We offer the following services:
Market research
Want to know the size of your total target market? How about the size of your actual potential sales market? We will help you define these numbers and turn them into projected sales goals.
Do you need to know where to find manufacturers who can produce your product at a rate that will allow you to make a profit while still keeping the end user cost within the range of their perceived value? We can help you find them.
Do you really know the totality of your present competition? Are you really sure there are no products like yours already available from other sources? Want to know more about the competitors you have already identified, or their products? Would you like to know from whence new competitors are most likely to emerge as soon as you launch your new product? We can help you.
Looking for new products to add to your existing lines? We serve as new product scouts keeping the name of your company confidential until you decide that you are interested in a product we present to you.
Development of marketing plans and strategies
Are you absolutely, positively sure that you are reaching everyone who might have the ability, means and desire to purchase your product or service? If we could expand your markets and provide you with creative and innovative ways to reach them, would that be of value to you?
What do I have? Who can use it? Who can afford it? Who will care enough to buy one? What is the real reason they will buy it? How do I reach them? The questions sound quite simple yet every year we watch individuals and companies spend big dollars taking the longest and sometimes most cumbersome and expensive route to their perceived target audience only to find out that they are reaching out to less than the ideal audience. Or, they are reaching the right people with the wrong message.
Perhaps the best example of how powerful a message can be is the story of the door-to-door salesman who got a job selling expensive, long-life light bulbs. After only a few days on the job, he began out selling all the other salespersons in his company. Soon, he was approached by the sales manager and asked how he sells so many light bulbs." Oh, I don't sell light bulbs, he said, 'I sell better vision.'"
Development of Internet marketing strategies
In today's marketing environment, the Internet offers a whole new world of opportunity with a broad range of effective marketing tools from the simplest "static page" sites all the way up to sophisticated interactive sites with full e-commerce functions that can make you money around the clock, even when you are sleeping! And, with its explosive growth rate due to increased use of computers and the internet in our school systems, government agencies, large corporations and small businesses, the opportunities to market your products directly to consumers over the internet is growing by leaps and bounds each day.
We will help you get a website for your product on line. We will help you develop an email marketing methodology that works for your product and puts your products directly in front of the people most likely to purchase them, at the time they are most likely to make a purchase.
Second opinions on existing marketing plans and strategies
If all you seek is a second opinion on marketing concepts or marketing plans that are already proposed or in place, we will be happy to help you, satisfaction guaranteed! We are often able to point out opportunities that were overlooked.
Public Relations Support
Good public relations are a must whether you sell direct to consumers or through distribution channels. The trick is to reach the highest number of people who are most likely to purchase your product, with the right message, at the lowest possible cost. You need to effectively and efficiently transmit your corporate and product information to your target audience in a manner that builds awareness of your company and creates and builds a desire for your products. We know how to do that.
We will show you how to launch your product with a blitz of free press to maximize and expedite product and brand name recognition. We have many years of experience maximizing free publicity for our clients. Our press releases have excellent submission-to-placement ratios because we know how to tell your story in a way that becomes interesting enough to be news to the target audience of any given publication.
We will create a custom tailored PR program to fit your image, your product and your budget. We have extensive press and media placement experience. We will help you achieve "editorial endorsements" by respected and trustworthy sources because we know how to give each release a media "hook." We know what they want to hear, how they want to hear it and what they will print or broadcast. We will help you take maximum advantage of all "standard" promotional opportunities and we will develop additional creative promotional opportunities unique to your product. Our services include but are not limited to:
Product packaging designs, graphics and copywriting
A package sitting on a shelf has only a few tenths of one second to attract a potential buyer. The package must present the product information in a manner that "grabs" potential buyers as they pass by and makes them want to take a second look. Then, upon second look, it must contain enough information to answer the buyers' questions and make them want to purchase it.
We will help you design individual product display packaging that is aesthetically appealing enough to begin drawing attention the minute it is put on display. We will help you write copy that will be informative and at the same time, enticing.
Before your product can be sold, it must arrive at the point of sale in one piece and in a package that is still attractive. We will design individual display packages and master pack cartons which survive the chimpanzees that we all know lurk behind closed doors at most parcel delivery and freight companies. At this very moment they are in shipping departments all over the country throwing boxes marked, "Handle With Care" into delivery trucks from twenty feet away and jumping up and down on boxes marked, "Fragile," all the while grinning madly. That's ok! We've got their number! We know how to design aesthetically pleasing yet robust packaging that assures your product will still be salable when it arrives at point of sale.
Point of purchase display design and production
Combining the master pack with a point of purchase display can often mean significant cost savings for you and can provide storage solutions for your customers to whom every inch of shelf space is valuable and taken.
We design displays to fit the needs of your product, your distribution points and your end users.
Development and production of marketing materials, ad slicks, catalog sheets and handout sales collateral
The right sales collateral makes your rep's job lots easier. In some cases a "catalog sheet" can become the "header card" for a hanging "clip display" type rack at point of sale.
We will design your materials from scratch, help you design them or work with your graphics team to produce them. We will help you send the right message to the right audience. One that screams, "BUY NOW!" We will also rewrite your advertising copy and focus your sales materials to appeal to a new or previously untargeted market.
Design and publication of specialty "advertorial" publications
Advertorial publications essentially turn advertising copy into full blown "editorials." They must be written much the same as a news story and be presented in a way that makes consumers want to read the story. Advertorial publications are well suited to products or services that are not easily explained or are large ticket items that really need to be explained in detail to buyers in order to convince them to purchase. They provide room for testimonials and appealing photos. Perhaps most importantly, advertorial publications allow total flexibility for the client. The advertorial piece can be a "single client" publication featuring several of the same client's products, or the costs and space can be shared by several non-competing clients. The finished advertorial publications can be placed at drop points, placed in designated distribution stands or distributed by direct mail or "marriage" mail.
Here's what a client said about an advertorial publication we developed for them.
Note: Beutler Heating and Air conditioning is the 6th largest privately owned company in the US and the second largest mechanical contractor. Home Improvement News was developed to help them sell replacement HVAC systems.
"Dear Mr. Riordan,
"The purpose of this letter is to let you know that Home Improvement News has been a resounding success for us. The response we received was even better than we had expected. Not only did we begin receiving calls almost as soon as the publication hit the streets, but the informative and educational content of your editorials resulted in 'lay down' sales for our staff since the prospects already had a good understanding of our newest products after reading the paper. The first couple of responses resulted in sales large enough to completely cover our expense of participation in the advertorial. We have also received several compliments on the attractive appearance of the publication as well."
Al Matthews
General Manager
Establishment of rep networks, sales organizations, distribution channels and fulfillment houses
Early market penetration for a new product depends upon utilization of as many distribution channels as possible, without creating conflicts between the different distributors and retailers. This is not nearly as easy as it appears to be at first glance. Choosing the proper order in which to release new products to specific markets and then selecting the best ways to achieve distribution to those markets can be challenging. We are up to the challenge! And we have proven experience.
Whether you are building a sales organization from scratch or need to increase the productivity and results of an existing sales team, our sales training programs will provide guaranteed positive results as we have for companies ranging in size from new startups to Hewlett Packard, nationally and internationally.
Many product developers find it difficult to keep up with both production and sales. Fulfillment houses can provide a viable solution by assembling, packaging and shipping your products to your distributors per your orders. You concentrate on sales, they concentrate on production. We can help you select reputable fulfillment houses to assure your distribution requirements are met in a timely manner.
Creation of unique promotional strategies, special events and specialty products designed to build brand awareness
Creative promotional strategies and advertising specialty products are an integral part of our "guerilla marketing strategies." If you will forgive us, we are very, very good at it. And, we guarantee that we will give you the most creative solutions you have heard. You must be satisfied with our ideas and concepts before you pay us.
New product launch support
The selection, planning and staffing of trade shows and conventions to display new products can also be quite challenging for individuals and companies launching new products. We will help you select the right shows/conventions for your product and then prepare you for presenting your products at the shows. We will help you through the "tricks" of getting the best show spots and avoiding the "losers." If you need help at your first shows, we will provide trained sales staff to assist you.
What our clients said:
"The purpose of this letter is to let you know that we have been implementing the marketing strategies you prepared for us. They are already proving to be excellent marketing tools. In addition to commending you on the quality and creativity of the marketing strategies, I wanted to let you know how inspirational you have been to our management team. Your professional yet cordial attitude has made working with you a productive and pleasurable experience for my management team. What has impressed me the most is that you have always accomplished what you said you would do, in the time frame in which you said you would. In my opinion, this is what distances you from other consultants I have worked with on other projects. Thanks again for your 'global' problem solving within our organization. I look forward to working with you on future projects."
Al Matthews
General Manager
Beutler Heating and Air Conditioning
To get the most from your first session with us, please write down every question you can think of before our meeting and we promise that we will give you more valuable information in less time than anyone you have contacted. Guaranteed! You must be satisfied before you pay!
We invite you to take a few moments to view a few examples of our work along with testimonials from our clients. We work with many of our clients on a confidential basis and cannot discuss their products or projects. However, we have gathered a few samples that we can show, spanning twenty-five years, and hope you find them interesting. Please see our Inventor Assistance section where you will find Idea and Invention Marketing examples and testimonials. Then, take a look at our About Us section and visit Our Projects and Success Stories and the Bio of James F. Riordan, Inventions, Trademarks and Patents.
For a list of our fees for our services please see our Fees for Services page
We are a full-spectrum marketing firm. We will provide as much help as you need or as little help as you need, never more than you need.
Whether you are an individual going to market with a new product or a corporate entity, with years of product sales experience, if you have a product to sell, we can help you identify, target and reach your customers with a guerilla style that will make you grin. Guaranteed! For over two decades we have helped our clients to find markets they had not identified, and then helped them to target, reach and "hook" those markets in ways that they had not considered. No matter how you choose to market your product, Riordanco will help you reach the maximum number of people most likely to purchase your product and we'll help you send them the right message that will encourage them to buy it.
At the Riordan Company you can always expect personal attention, focused on your needs. We will work with you in person, on the phone, by fax or email depending upon the security level necessary for your project..
We offer the following services:
Market research
Want to know the size of your total target market? How about the size of your actual potential sales market? We will help you define these numbers and turn them into projected sales goals.
Do you need to know where to find manufacturers who can produce your product at a rate that will allow you to make a profit while still keeping the end user cost within the range of their perceived value? We can help you find them.
Do you really know the totality of your present competition? Are you really sure there are no products like yours already available from other sources? Want to know more about the competitors you have already identified, or their products? Would you like to know from whence new competitors are most likely to emerge as soon as you launch your new product? We can help you.
Looking for new products to add to your existing lines? We serve as new product scouts keeping the name of your company confidential until you decide that you are interested in a product we present to you.
Development of marketing plans and strategies
Are you absolutely, positively sure that you are reaching everyone who might have the ability, means and desire to purchase your product or service? If we could expand your markets and provide you with creative and innovative ways to reach them, would that be of value to you?
What do I have? Who can use it? Who can afford it? Who will care enough to buy one? What is the real reason they will buy it? How do I reach them? The questions sound quite simple yet every year we watch individuals and companies spend big dollars taking the longest and sometimes most cumbersome and expensive route to their perceived target audience only to find out that they are reaching out to less than the ideal audience. Or, they are reaching the right people with the wrong message.
Perhaps the best example of how powerful a message can be is the story of the door-to-door salesman who got a job selling expensive, long-life light bulbs. After only a few days on the job, he began out selling all the other salespersons in his company. Soon, he was approached by the sales manager and asked how he sells so many light bulbs." Oh, I don't sell light bulbs, he said, 'I sell better vision.'"
Development of Internet marketing strategies
In today's marketing environment, the Internet offers a whole new world of opportunity with a broad range of effective marketing tools from the simplest "static page" sites all the way up to sophisticated interactive sites with full e-commerce functions that can make you money around the clock, even when you are sleeping! And, with its explosive growth rate due to increased use of computers and the internet in our school systems, government agencies, large corporations and small businesses, the opportunities to market your products directly to consumers over the internet is growing by leaps and bounds each day.
We will help you get a website for your product on line. We will help you develop an email marketing methodology that works for your product and puts your products directly in front of the people most likely to purchase them, at the time they are most likely to make a purchase.
Second opinions on existing marketing plans and strategies
If all you seek is a second opinion on marketing concepts or marketing plans that are already proposed or in place, we will be happy to help you, satisfaction guaranteed! We are often able to point out opportunities that were overlooked.
Public Relations Support
Good public relations are a must whether you sell direct to consumers or through distribution channels. The trick is to reach the highest number of people who are most likely to purchase your product, with the right message, at the lowest possible cost. You need to effectively and efficiently transmit your corporate and product information to your target audience in a manner that builds awareness of your company and creates and builds a desire for your products. We know how to do that.
We will show you how to launch your product with a blitz of free press to maximize and expedite product and brand name recognition. We have many years of experience maximizing free publicity for our clients. Our press releases have excellent submission-to-placement ratios because we know how to tell your story in a way that becomes interesting enough to be news to the target audience of any given publication.
We will create a custom tailored PR program to fit your image, your product and your budget. We have extensive press and media placement experience. We will help you achieve "editorial endorsements" by respected and trustworthy sources because we know how to give each release a media "hook." We know what they want to hear, how they want to hear it and what they will print or broadcast. We will help you take maximum advantage of all "standard" promotional opportunities and we will develop additional creative promotional opportunities unique to your product. Our services include but are not limited to:
| Press releases |
| Generating interview opportunities |
| Product and corporate image enhancement |
| Event planning, publicity and promotion |
| Press conferences and speech preparation |
| Video, DVD and CD communications |
| Crisis management |
| Product sample placements |
Product packaging designs, graphics and copywriting
A package sitting on a shelf has only a few tenths of one second to attract a potential buyer. The package must present the product information in a manner that "grabs" potential buyers as they pass by and makes them want to take a second look. Then, upon second look, it must contain enough information to answer the buyers' questions and make them want to purchase it.
We will help you design individual product display packaging that is aesthetically appealing enough to begin drawing attention the minute it is put on display. We will help you write copy that will be informative and at the same time, enticing.
Before your product can be sold, it must arrive at the point of sale in one piece and in a package that is still attractive. We will design individual display packages and master pack cartons which survive the chimpanzees that we all know lurk behind closed doors at most parcel delivery and freight companies. At this very moment they are in shipping departments all over the country throwing boxes marked, "Handle With Care" into delivery trucks from twenty feet away and jumping up and down on boxes marked, "Fragile," all the while grinning madly. That's ok! We've got their number! We know how to design aesthetically pleasing yet robust packaging that assures your product will still be salable when it arrives at point of sale.
Point of purchase display design and production
Combining the master pack with a point of purchase display can often mean significant cost savings for you and can provide storage solutions for your customers to whom every inch of shelf space is valuable and taken.
We design displays to fit the needs of your product, your distribution points and your end users.
Development and production of marketing materials, ad slicks, catalog sheets and handout sales collateral
The right sales collateral makes your rep's job lots easier. In some cases a "catalog sheet" can become the "header card" for a hanging "clip display" type rack at point of sale.
We will design your materials from scratch, help you design them or work with your graphics team to produce them. We will help you send the right message to the right audience. One that screams, "BUY NOW!" We will also rewrite your advertising copy and focus your sales materials to appeal to a new or previously untargeted market.
Design and publication of specialty "advertorial" publications
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Advertorial publications essentially turn advertising copy into full blown "editorials." They must be written much the same as a news story and be presented in a way that makes consumers want to read the story. Advertorial publications are well suited to products or services that are not easily explained or are large ticket items that really need to be explained in detail to buyers in order to convince them to purchase. They provide room for testimonials and appealing photos. Perhaps most importantly, advertorial publications allow total flexibility for the client. The advertorial piece can be a "single client" publication featuring several of the same client's products, or the costs and space can be shared by several non-competing clients. The finished advertorial publications can be placed at drop points, placed in designated distribution stands or distributed by direct mail or "marriage" mail.
Here's what a client said about an advertorial publication we developed for them.
Note: Beutler Heating and Air conditioning is the 6th largest privately owned company in the US and the second largest mechanical contractor. Home Improvement News was developed to help them sell replacement HVAC systems.
"Dear Mr. Riordan,
"The purpose of this letter is to let you know that Home Improvement News has been a resounding success for us. The response we received was even better than we had expected. Not only did we begin receiving calls almost as soon as the publication hit the streets, but the informative and educational content of your editorials resulted in 'lay down' sales for our staff since the prospects already had a good understanding of our newest products after reading the paper. The first couple of responses resulted in sales large enough to completely cover our expense of participation in the advertorial. We have also received several compliments on the attractive appearance of the publication as well."
Al Matthews
General Manager
Establishment of rep networks, sales organizations, distribution channels and fulfillment houses
Early market penetration for a new product depends upon utilization of as many distribution channels as possible, without creating conflicts between the different distributors and retailers. This is not nearly as easy as it appears to be at first glance. Choosing the proper order in which to release new products to specific markets and then selecting the best ways to achieve distribution to those markets can be challenging. We are up to the challenge! And we have proven experience.
Whether you are building a sales organization from scratch or need to increase the productivity and results of an existing sales team, our sales training programs will provide guaranteed positive results as we have for companies ranging in size from new startups to Hewlett Packard, nationally and internationally.
Many product developers find it difficult to keep up with both production and sales. Fulfillment houses can provide a viable solution by assembling, packaging and shipping your products to your distributors per your orders. You concentrate on sales, they concentrate on production. We can help you select reputable fulfillment houses to assure your distribution requirements are met in a timely manner.
Creation of unique promotional strategies, special events and specialty products designed to build brand awareness
Creative promotional strategies and advertising specialty products are an integral part of our "guerilla marketing strategies." If you will forgive us, we are very, very good at it. And, we guarantee that we will give you the most creative solutions you have heard. You must be satisfied with our ideas and concepts before you pay us.
New product launch support
The selection, planning and staffing of trade shows and conventions to display new products can also be quite challenging for individuals and companies launching new products. We will help you select the right shows/conventions for your product and then prepare you for presenting your products at the shows. We will help you through the "tricks" of getting the best show spots and avoiding the "losers." If you need help at your first shows, we will provide trained sales staff to assist you.
What our clients said:
"The purpose of this letter is to let you know that we have been implementing the marketing strategies you prepared for us. They are already proving to be excellent marketing tools. In addition to commending you on the quality and creativity of the marketing strategies, I wanted to let you know how inspirational you have been to our management team. Your professional yet cordial attitude has made working with you a productive and pleasurable experience for my management team. What has impressed me the most is that you have always accomplished what you said you would do, in the time frame in which you said you would. In my opinion, this is what distances you from other consultants I have worked with on other projects. Thanks again for your 'global' problem solving within our organization. I look forward to working with you on future projects."
Al Matthews
General Manager
Beutler Heating and Air Conditioning
To get the most from your first session with us, please write down every question you can think of before our meeting and we promise that we will give you more valuable information in less time than anyone you have contacted. Guaranteed! You must be satisfied before you pay!
We invite you to take a few moments to view a few examples of our work along with testimonials from our clients. We work with many of our clients on a confidential basis and cannot discuss their products or projects. However, we have gathered a few samples that we can show, spanning twenty-five years, and hope you find them interesting. Please see our Inventor Assistance section where you will find Idea and Invention Marketing examples and testimonials. Then, take a look at our About Us section and visit Our Projects and Success Stories and the Bio of James F. Riordan, Inventions, Trademarks and Patents.
For a list of our fees for our services please see our Fees for Services page