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The following are just a FEW of Jim Riordan's inventions, several of which are patented. Please be sure to visit our "Our Projects and Success Stories" section where you will find more corporate solution inventions created for our clients and more details on some of the inventions listed below.
Sniper Position Acquisition Device (S.P.A.D.)
Using a patent pending integration of seven state of the art technologies, this device provides near real time detection and acquisition of the position of single or multiple sniper locations, providing our snipers or mobile weapons systems with the ability to eliminate enemy sniper(s) with little or no collateral damage to property or innocent civilians. The S.P.A.D. system will prove to be an increasingly valuable tool in urban warfare, occupation or liberation operations. The S.P.A.D. system technology is currently being submitted for licensing.
The Sprinter Turbo Resonator Eliminator
At the request of a local DodgeT dealer, we engineered, developed, tested and marketed this device which replaces a
stock part on the 2.7 liter Mercedes BenzT turbo diesel engine that had been causing, in some cases, multiple failures
on the same Sprinter vans within only a few thousand miles of each other. When the turbo resonator fails, the vehicle
usually ends up being out of service and having to be towed to the nearest Dodge dealer for repair, interrupting vacations
for RVers and workdays for contractors and delivery services. Our Eliminator has been in service for thousands of trouble
free miles with no failures. Our company engineers, designs and manufactures "overnight" solutions such as this
for many different industries.
View the SprinterT Turbo Resonator Eliminator
in Our Products Catalog
Exhaust manifold valve heat protectors Curtiss OX5 engines
Fits 1914-1918 Curtiss Jennys, Thomas Morse Scouts and other antique aircraft using the OX5 V8 engine designed by Glenn Curtiss. Prevents exhaust manifold heat from melting the grease on exposed valve rocker assemblies.
Lock-at-will upper arm prosthesis. A breakthrough device for upper limb amputees which allows a person to use an artificial arm with "natural" movements and without the need for a "harness" to raise or lower the prehensor (hook unit). This device was invented-to-order for the Rehabilitation Engineering Center at Stanford. This design solved a problem which the center had been struggling with for two years.
The Light Beer Mug
Unique novelty item has a plastic snap-on base which holds two "AA" batteries and a light bulb. It lights up when you lift it up, and makes any beer a "Light" beer. Over two million dollars worth have been sold. They were sold through Spencer Gift stores and catalogs, Coach House gift stores, ARA airport gift shops and many other gift and catalog stores throughout the US. The mugs were included in promotional programs for Anheuser Busch Bud Light and Moosehead beer.
What a famous actress had to say:
"Mr. Riordan,
My friends and I are having a ball with your mugs at Princeton. You 'lite' up our lives. Thank you very much."
Love and kisses
Brooke Shields
Great Story from Jim Riordan: My wife and I were on a weekend ski trip in my heady days of snow ski racing.
Upon our
return, we had several messages on our answering machine. One of them said,
"Hi, this is Brooke Shields mother and Brooke got one of your mugs and is having a
problem with it, could you give me a call." We thought riiiiiiight, Brooke
Shield's mom, suuuuuure! We thought it was a prank by one of our friends and
never returned the call. Well, actually it really was her mom. She
called again the next weekend when we were again away skiing, and this time
she said, "Hello, this IS Brooke Shield's mom . . . REALLY!"
This time we called back, found out that Brooke had gotten one of our mugs as a
gift and the little pin actuating the light was missing (factory defect).
As is our standard policy of making sure our customers are always satisfied, I
sent her 4 mugs which were (ahem) personally inspected. About two weeks
later, we received the above photo with her thank you and autograph.
What a nice person to go out of her way for such a special thank you. (Jim Riordan)
The Solder Quik
An attachment which fits on a standard pencil type soldering iron and allows a person to feed solder to the tip of the iron by simply turning a wheel with their index finger. This allows an operator to solder with only one hand, and speeds most soldering operations a minimum of 30%. This device is also being used to help handicapped workers master hand soldering techniques that were previously not possible for them. Solder Quick users include N.A.S.A., IBM, Hewlett Packard, Ford Aerospace, Harris Satellite Communications, and Beckman Instruments. This product was distributed nationally, then sold to a soldering equipment company.
What others say:
"This unit is a remarkable time saving product in most of our operations in the Avionics shop. For all simple wire repair jobs you can save nearly half the time it would take with the conventional soldering iron. Although there are jobs on printed circuit boards that are just too tight to use the Solder Quik, about 80% off all circuit board repair and assembly can be accomplished in at least half the time using the Solder Quik. Since there is no real production here at NASA, the time element of production schedules are not a factor, however, manpower certainly is. Most repair jobs involving soldering with a conventional iron would require two men but using the Solder Quik I can do the same job with only one man.
In conclusion, I am recommending that NASA purchase one Solder Quik for each person in my shop and one for the Instrument Shop."
Patrick Atchison, Avionics
NASA-Ames Research Center
"The innovative research and production activities you have undertaken on behalf
of the disabled are indeed rare. Your most recent inventions, the
"Solder Quik" and the "Hand Aid", will definitely be of great benefit to
handicapped persons who have opted to work in electronics related industries.
In addition, the application of your products into electronics production
and repair occupations will not only widen the employment prospects for the
handicapped, but will benefit prospective employers as well. Congratulations
on your success thus far and best wishes in the future. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further assistance."
Sincerely yours,
Norman Y. Mineta
Member of Congress
"In my 30 plus years in the Electronics field the Solder Quik is to me the best idea in all that time in my line of production 'Cable Harnesses'. Invariably while soldering leads into boards or connectors you need a third hand to hold the lead. This gives it to the solderer."
Vern Brink
Goodwill of Santa Clara
"Dear Jim:
This letter is to express to you our appreciation of a job well done in the design and the function of the Solder Quik. Since our installation, three months ago, we have found increased production and through-put in the touch-up and rework area. All of our touch-up and rework technicians have expressed considerable satisfaction of "the third hand" concept in assisting the delivery of solder and handling of the printed circuit boards and other solderable components. We would highly recommend to anyone requiring high through-put in this area to utilize this product, as it will positively affect the bottom line."
Lawrence P. Dorcsis
"Dear Jim:
We would like to thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness in donating the two Solder-Quik soldering setups and accessories to the electronic assembly training classroom. The Solder-Quik is an innovative and fascinating piece of equipment. We have enjoyed using it in the classroom and have received a great deal of interest and positive comments from the students who have tried it.
We feel there is tremendous potential for the Solder-Quik in the electronic industry, not only as an aid to someone with a disability but also as a time saving device for basic assembly soldering. We wish you luck and success with the Solder-Quik and appreciate being included in its debut. Thanks Again"
Nina Bouley
Supervisor of Vocational Education
Sandy Montijo
Lead Instructor
Electronic Assembly Training
Linda Calloway
Electronic Assembly Training
Goodwill of Santa Clara County
The Propcycle
The Nations first street licensed propeller driven motorcycle. This unique three wheeled vehicle carries two comfortably at 45 miles per hour, even up hills! The Propcycle has been featured in magazines in 17 countries, including Popular Science and Star Magazine in the U.S. It has also been featured on "Evening Magazine with Richard Hart" and "PM" Magazine on television Coast to Coast.
The Pneumatic Bicycle Seat/Pump
This device slips down into the seat tube on most bicycle frames, locks in place, and then acts as an "air shock" seat to deliver the most comfortable ride possible. The device is easily removed from the seat tube and is then used as a tire pump. The seat then becomes the pump.
The Head Clock
A wall clock within a plastic head of an animal or character. When you clap your hands, a Schmidt trigger senses the clap and causes the mouth to open revealing an L.E.D. four character digital display. After a brief (adjustable length) pause, the mouth closes, and the display shuts down and waits to be reactivated.
Pinball game action devices
Including targets, bumpers, rollover switches, flippers etc., invented to order for Atari pinball games.
Aircraft quick release door latch
These unique door latches prevent accidental opening while allowing lightning-fast, fumble-free exits from airplanes. Many installed and in-use today.
Co-inventor of Hitch Mate receiver rack systems
These handy racks slide into any square receptacle type trailer hitch and mount on the rear or front of a vehicle. There is a different rack for carrying boats, motorcycles, bicycles, skis, go-carts, ATV's, etc. There is also a lockable storage box model that allows you to carry all of your camping gear outside in a dry place. Each rack is easily installed, locked in place, or removed for storage. This was invented and prototyped by Bob Underwood and Jim Riordan.
Snap-in, Snap-off Tool Holding System for Upper Arm Amputees
Allows users to quickly pick-up, put-down and use common hand tools.
Pedal car
Essentially a ten speed pedal powered go-cart. The vehicle carries up to three people at speeds comparable to a bicycle.
Solar window blinds
With solar panels on one side and flat-black full length ribs on the other side, these hollow vertical blinds generate heat or electricity, depending on which way they are turned.
Solar hatch covers for boats
Solar cells recharge boat's battery and keep it charged while docked.
No-Bounce Hammer
A molded polyurethane hammer for use by aerospace workers in confined areas. Hammer head "deadened" blow on impact thus preventing the tool from bouncing back and damaging other instrumentation or components. Currently being used by N.A.S.A. and United Airlines.
The "solid state" washer and dryer.
A novelty advertising specialty which has proven very popular! It consisted of, well, a washer and a small piece of towel to dry the washer.
Window lock system for recreational vehicles
These simple devices make sliding windows burglar proof.
The Wheel Winch
An adaptor plate installs on the lug nuts of all drive wheels. A drum and cable attachment locks onto the adaptor plate and allows you to use the vehicle's drive wheels as a winch to pull the vehicle out.
The Levis 501 jeans size calculator.
A Zilog Z-80 microprocessor based point of purchase display. Two thousand of them were invented-to-order for Levi Strauss and distributed to Levis' sales locations throughout the United States. Device allows male customers to easily and quickly determine which size jeans will shrink-to-fit properly.
Structural foam molding system
For mock musical instruments and robotic animal characters. Invented-to-order for Pizza Time Theaters.
High Volume inspection system
For checking close-tolerance fabricated parts. Invented to order for Pizza Time Theaters.
The Hand-Aid
Turns military spec type hand crimping and termination tools into foot operated or pneumatically powered tools. Prevents user from developing carpal tunnel syndrome, a painful wrist injury. This device can also be used with ordinary pliers as a quick-close and open mini vise. The tools were invented-to-order for Paladin Corp.
Automated multistage machining system
For accurate high volume fabrication of parts for robotic characters. Invented-to-order for Pizza Time Theaters.
Cushioned engaging clutch
For floppy disk drives invented-to-order for Apple Computer.
Hard Disk Hub Stabilization Procedure.
For controlling "run out" on hard disk drives. Invented-to-order for B.A.S.F. Systems.
A variable length index tab for locating single sheets of paper in a file, or for separating sections in reports or binders. This product was sold to 3M Corporation in December 1991 and became part of the 3M tape flags project.
"Dear Jim:
"Enclosed is the agreement to purchase your patent application and trademark. Please review, sign and send back both original copies to my attention. Upon receipt of the signed contract 3M will issue payment within 5 days.
"Best wishes for the holiday season to both you and Lynn."
Alan J. Marlor
New Product Development Manager
Bomb Squad, the Game
In association with a former Atari electronic design manager, developed Bomb Squad, a game of skill and steadiness which required the players to remove several sticks of "dynamite" with a time sensitive and motion sensitive "detonator." Players had to hand carry the device to a "safe" disposal "site" in another room. If the player did not hold the "bomb" steady, or if they did not relocate the bomb to the safe disposal site within a set time period, the bomb would "explode" with flashing lights and audio explosion sounds. Presented to Mattel toys.
Bar Light
A small injection molded plastic device which snaps onto bicycle handle bars and accepts a Mini-Mag flashlight for use as a headlight.
Glu-it Tape
A two or three part tape containing evenly spaced depressions or "bubbles" of adhesive. The tape can be torn off in sections to leave one or more bubbles in one strip. The bubbles are frangible and can be used to dispense controlled portions of any number of different adhesives. Presently being reviewed by 3M Adhesive division.
Method of attaching business cards to graphic presentations, windows, desks, computers, windshields etc.
The Exec-You-Tiv Digital Calculator
A novelty item. One of the very first solid state "digital" calculators . . . even has a memory when you put the string around your finger!.
Photo Finish
Method of determining winner of Mattel Hot wheels race cars on track
Driver head for "Mass Termination Systems"
This device made it possible to terminate a complete wiring harness into one connector with one "shot". It was invented-to-order for A.M.P. Corporation.
A container for children's juice drinks featuring a built-in cardboard straw. Safer, cleaner and easier for kids to use than the common "poke the-straw through-the-top-of-the-box-type container.
Makeup shaker
Simple battery operated device shakes and quickly mixes ladies' fingernail polish, mascara etc.
Skydiver Drop 'em a Note Pads
Shaped like a skydiver in freefall, these unique patent pending notes get prompt attention from co-workers and kids alike. They simulate a skydiver in freefall and can be formed to make them do turns and other freefall stunts. Attach several of them together and link 'em up for "relative work." Hours of fun for kids. Great training demo device for skydiving centers.
The Pocket Weatherman
100% accurate and up to the minute weather advisories from our portable, pocket sized, solid state weather information gathering device. A perfect gag gift for any person involved in outdoor recreation including golfers, hunters, fishermen, pilots, rafters, horseback riders, backpackers, motorcycle riders, snowmobilers, etc.
resume | community involvement | accomplishments | author | inventions, trademarks & patents | hobbies
inventions, trademarks & patents | hobbies
The following are just a FEW of Jim Riordan's inventions, several of which are patented. Please be sure to visit our "Our Projects and Success Stories" section where you will find more corporate solution inventions created for our clients and more details on some of the inventions listed below.
Sniper Position Acquisition Device (S.P.A.D.)
Using a patent pending integration of seven state of the art technologies, this device provides near real time detection and acquisition of the position of single or multiple sniper locations, providing our snipers or mobile weapons systems with the ability to eliminate enemy sniper(s) with little or no collateral damage to property or innocent civilians. The S.P.A.D. system will prove to be an increasingly valuable tool in urban warfare, occupation or liberation operations. The S.P.A.D. system technology is currently being submitted for licensing.
The Sprinter Turbo Resonator Eliminator
![]() |
View the SprinterT Turbo Resonator Eliminator
in Our Products Catalog
Exhaust manifold valve heat protectors Curtiss OX5 engines
Fits 1914-1918 Curtiss Jennys, Thomas Morse Scouts and other antique aircraft using the OX5 V8 engine designed by Glenn Curtiss. Prevents exhaust manifold heat from melting the grease on exposed valve rocker assemblies.
Lock-at-will upper arm prosthesis. A breakthrough device for upper limb amputees which allows a person to use an artificial arm with "natural" movements and without the need for a "harness" to raise or lower the prehensor (hook unit). This device was invented-to-order for the Rehabilitation Engineering Center at Stanford. This design solved a problem which the center had been struggling with for two years.
Unique novelty item has a plastic snap-on base which holds two "AA" batteries and a light bulb. It lights up when you lift it up, and makes any beer a "Light" beer. Over two million dollars worth have been sold. They were sold through Spencer Gift stores and catalogs, Coach House gift stores, ARA airport gift shops and many other gift and catalog stores throughout the US. The mugs were included in promotional programs for Anheuser Busch Bud Light and Moosehead beer.
What a famous actress had to say:
"Mr. Riordan,
My friends and I are having a ball with your mugs at Princeton. You 'lite' up our lives. Thank you very much."
Love and kisses
Brooke Shields
Great Story from Jim Riordan: My wife and I were on a weekend ski trip in my heady days of snow ski racing.
An attachment which fits on a standard pencil type soldering iron and allows a person to feed solder to the tip of the iron by simply turning a wheel with their index finger. This allows an operator to solder with only one hand, and speeds most soldering operations a minimum of 30%. This device is also being used to help handicapped workers master hand soldering techniques that were previously not possible for them. Solder Quick users include N.A.S.A., IBM, Hewlett Packard, Ford Aerospace, Harris Satellite Communications, and Beckman Instruments. This product was distributed nationally, then sold to a soldering equipment company.
What others say:
"This unit is a remarkable time saving product in most of our operations in the Avionics shop. For all simple wire repair jobs you can save nearly half the time it would take with the conventional soldering iron. Although there are jobs on printed circuit boards that are just too tight to use the Solder Quik, about 80% off all circuit board repair and assembly can be accomplished in at least half the time using the Solder Quik. Since there is no real production here at NASA, the time element of production schedules are not a factor, however, manpower certainly is. Most repair jobs involving soldering with a conventional iron would require two men but using the Solder Quik I can do the same job with only one man.
In conclusion, I am recommending that NASA purchase one Solder Quik for each person in my shop and one for the Instrument Shop."
Patrick Atchison, Avionics
NASA-Ames Research Center
Sincerely yours,
Norman Y. Mineta
Member of Congress
"In my 30 plus years in the Electronics field the Solder Quik is to me the best idea in all that time in my line of production 'Cable Harnesses'. Invariably while soldering leads into boards or connectors you need a third hand to hold the lead. This gives it to the solderer."
Vern Brink
Goodwill of Santa Clara
"Dear Jim:
This letter is to express to you our appreciation of a job well done in the design and the function of the Solder Quik. Since our installation, three months ago, we have found increased production and through-put in the touch-up and rework area. All of our touch-up and rework technicians have expressed considerable satisfaction of "the third hand" concept in assisting the delivery of solder and handling of the printed circuit boards and other solderable components. We would highly recommend to anyone requiring high through-put in this area to utilize this product, as it will positively affect the bottom line."
Lawrence P. Dorcsis
"Dear Jim:
We would like to thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness in donating the two Solder-Quik soldering setups and accessories to the electronic assembly training classroom. The Solder-Quik is an innovative and fascinating piece of equipment. We have enjoyed using it in the classroom and have received a great deal of interest and positive comments from the students who have tried it.
We feel there is tremendous potential for the Solder-Quik in the electronic industry, not only as an aid to someone with a disability but also as a time saving device for basic assembly soldering. We wish you luck and success with the Solder-Quik and appreciate being included in its debut. Thanks Again"
Nina Bouley
Supervisor of Vocational Education
Sandy Montijo
Lead Instructor
Electronic Assembly Training
Linda Calloway
Electronic Assembly Training
Goodwill of Santa Clara County
The Nations first street licensed propeller driven motorcycle. This unique three wheeled vehicle carries two comfortably at 45 miles per hour, even up hills! The Propcycle has been featured in magazines in 17 countries, including Popular Science and Star Magazine in the U.S. It has also been featured on "Evening Magazine with Richard Hart" and "PM" Magazine on television Coast to Coast.
The Pneumatic Bicycle Seat/Pump
This device slips down into the seat tube on most bicycle frames, locks in place, and then acts as an "air shock" seat to deliver the most comfortable ride possible. The device is easily removed from the seat tube and is then used as a tire pump. The seat then becomes the pump.
A wall clock within a plastic head of an animal or character. When you clap your hands, a Schmidt trigger senses the clap and causes the mouth to open revealing an L.E.D. four character digital display. After a brief (adjustable length) pause, the mouth closes, and the display shuts down and waits to be reactivated.
Pinball game action devices
Including targets, bumpers, rollover switches, flippers etc., invented to order for Atari pinball games.
Aircraft quick release door latch
These unique door latches prevent accidental opening while allowing lightning-fast, fumble-free exits from airplanes. Many installed and in-use today.
These handy racks slide into any square receptacle type trailer hitch and mount on the rear or front of a vehicle. There is a different rack for carrying boats, motorcycles, bicycles, skis, go-carts, ATV's, etc. There is also a lockable storage box model that allows you to carry all of your camping gear outside in a dry place. Each rack is easily installed, locked in place, or removed for storage. This was invented and prototyped by Bob Underwood and Jim Riordan.
Snap-in, Snap-off Tool Holding System for Upper Arm Amputees
Allows users to quickly pick-up, put-down and use common hand tools.
Essentially a ten speed pedal powered go-cart. The vehicle carries up to three people at speeds comparable to a bicycle.
Solar window blinds
With solar panels on one side and flat-black full length ribs on the other side, these hollow vertical blinds generate heat or electricity, depending on which way they are turned.
Solar hatch covers for boats
Solar cells recharge boat's battery and keep it charged while docked.
No-Bounce Hammer
A molded polyurethane hammer for use by aerospace workers in confined areas. Hammer head "deadened" blow on impact thus preventing the tool from bouncing back and damaging other instrumentation or components. Currently being used by N.A.S.A. and United Airlines.
A novelty advertising specialty which has proven very popular! It consisted of, well, a washer and a small piece of towel to dry the washer.
Window lock system for recreational vehicles
These simple devices make sliding windows burglar proof.
The Wheel Winch
An adaptor plate installs on the lug nuts of all drive wheels. A drum and cable attachment locks onto the adaptor plate and allows you to use the vehicle's drive wheels as a winch to pull the vehicle out.
A Zilog Z-80 microprocessor based point of purchase display. Two thousand of them were invented-to-order for Levi Strauss and distributed to Levis' sales locations throughout the United States. Device allows male customers to easily and quickly determine which size jeans will shrink-to-fit properly.
Structural foam molding system
For mock musical instruments and robotic animal characters. Invented-to-order for Pizza Time Theaters.
High Volume inspection system
For checking close-tolerance fabricated parts. Invented to order for Pizza Time Theaters.
Turns military spec type hand crimping and termination tools into foot operated or pneumatically powered tools. Prevents user from developing carpal tunnel syndrome, a painful wrist injury. This device can also be used with ordinary pliers as a quick-close and open mini vise. The tools were invented-to-order for Paladin Corp.
Automated multistage machining system
For accurate high volume fabrication of parts for robotic characters. Invented-to-order for Pizza Time Theaters.
Cushioned engaging clutch
For floppy disk drives invented-to-order for Apple Computer.
Hard Disk Hub Stabilization Procedure.
For controlling "run out" on hard disk drives. Invented-to-order for B.A.S.F. Systems.
A variable length index tab for locating single sheets of paper in a file, or for separating sections in reports or binders. This product was sold to 3M Corporation in December 1991 and became part of the 3M tape flags project.
"Dear Jim:
"Enclosed is the agreement to purchase your patent application and trademark. Please review, sign and send back both original copies to my attention. Upon receipt of the signed contract 3M will issue payment within 5 days.
"Best wishes for the holiday season to both you and Lynn."
Alan J. Marlor
New Product Development Manager
In association with a former Atari electronic design manager, developed Bomb Squad, a game of skill and steadiness which required the players to remove several sticks of "dynamite" with a time sensitive and motion sensitive "detonator." Players had to hand carry the device to a "safe" disposal "site" in another room. If the player did not hold the "bomb" steady, or if they did not relocate the bomb to the safe disposal site within a set time period, the bomb would "explode" with flashing lights and audio explosion sounds. Presented to Mattel toys.
Bar Light
A small injection molded plastic device which snaps onto bicycle handle bars and accepts a Mini-Mag flashlight for use as a headlight.
Glu-it Tape
A two or three part tape containing evenly spaced depressions or "bubbles" of adhesive. The tape can be torn off in sections to leave one or more bubbles in one strip. The bubbles are frangible and can be used to dispense controlled portions of any number of different adhesives. Presently being reviewed by 3M Adhesive division.
Method of attaching business cards to graphic presentations, windows, desks, computers, windshields etc.
A novelty item. One of the very first solid state "digital" calculators . . . even has a memory when you put the string around your finger!.
Photo Finish
Method of determining winner of Mattel Hot wheels race cars on track
Driver head for "Mass Termination Systems"
This device made it possible to terminate a complete wiring harness into one connector with one "shot". It was invented-to-order for A.M.P. Corporation.
A container for children's juice drinks featuring a built-in cardboard straw. Safer, cleaner and easier for kids to use than the common "poke the-straw through-the-top-of-the-box-type container.
Makeup shaker
Simple battery operated device shakes and quickly mixes ladies' fingernail polish, mascara etc.
Skydiver Drop 'em a Note Pads
Shaped like a skydiver in freefall, these unique patent pending notes get prompt attention from co-workers and kids alike. They simulate a skydiver in freefall and can be formed to make them do turns and other freefall stunts. Attach several of them together and link 'em up for "relative work." Hours of fun for kids. Great training demo device for skydiving centers.
The Pocket Weatherman
100% accurate and up to the minute weather advisories from our portable, pocket sized, solid state weather information gathering device. A perfect gag gift for any person involved in outdoor recreation including golfers, hunters, fishermen, pilots, rafters, horseback riders, backpackers, motorcycle riders, snowmobilers, etc.